Image Loaded Event in for Ng-Src in Angularjs

Image loaded event in for ng-src in AngularJS

Here is an example how to call image onload

Basic idea is create a directive and add it as attribute to img tag.


app.directive('imageonload', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
element.bind('load', function() {
alert('image is loaded');
element.bind('error', function(){
alert('image could not be loaded');


 <img ng-src="{{src}}" imageonload />

onload image event in AngularJS component

For something like this, I would use a directive as opposed to a component. Directly from the AngularJS documentation:

When not to use Components:

-for directives that rely on DOM manipulation, adding event listeners etc, because the compile and link functions are unavailable

AngularJS ng-src does not load new image with same url

I think this is a browser caching issue, not ng-src problem.

Try appending ?<timestamp> to value of user.profileImage.

This will force browser to fetch the new image.

AngularJS - Image onload directive - this' reference not working?

Created a fiddle for you.. checkout this

              scope.$apply(function (){
$parse(attrs.ngImageOnLoad)(scope, {'this': element[0]});

Detecting an image is fully loaded from a directive, where the directive is not applied to the image element

Check this working demo: JSFiddle

Use anguler.element to find the img element and bind the event.

In your directive, it should be element.find('img').

angular.module('Joy', [])
.directive('hello', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, ele) {
var img = ele.find('img');
img.bind('load', function () {
console.log('img is loaded');


<div ng-app="Joy">
<div hello>
<img ng-src="">

Update 1

If use ng-repeat, add a $timeout to wait for ng-repeat finishes first. Check working demo: JSFiddle.

Note: this demo is loading a very large image. After the image is loaded, the text img is loaded will be shown.

Update 2

If the event binding is not working, try native image.onload binding (or oncomplete to find images cached). Working demo: JSFiddle.

AngularJS - Image onload event

Here's a re-usable directive in the style of angular's inbuilt event handling directives:

angular.module('sbLoad', [])

.directive('sbLoad', ['$parse', function ($parse) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
var fn = $parse(attrs.sbLoad);
elem.on('load', function (event) {
scope.$apply(function() {
fn(scope, { $event: event });

When the img load event is fired the expression in the sb-load attribute is evaluated in the current scope along with the load event, passed in as $event. Here's how to use it:


<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<img sb-load="onImgLoad($event)">


  .controller("MyCtrl", function($scope){
// ...
$scope.onImgLoad = function (event) {
// ...

Note: "sb" is just the prefix I use for my custom directives.

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