Angularjs: Better Way to Watch for Height Change

AngularJS: Better way to watch for height change

This works by registering a watcher in emHeightSource which is called every $digest. It updates the __height property which is in turn watched in emHeightTarget:

* Get notified when height changes and change margin-top
.directive( 'emHeightTarget', function() {
return {
link: function( scope, elem, attrs ) {

scope.$watch( '__height', function( newHeight, oldHeight ) {
elem.attr( 'style', 'margin-top: ' + (58 + newHeight) + 'px' );
} );
} )

* Checks every $digest for height changes
.directive( 'emHeightSource', function() {

return {
link: function( scope, elem, attrs ) {

scope.$watch( function() {
scope.__height = elem.height();
} );

} )

AngularJS: Best way to watch dimensions?

Unfortunately this question didn't get as much attention as I would have liked... And I don't have time to write a detailed explanation with background, profiler screenshots, etc. But I did find a solution, and I hope this helps someone else dealing with the same issue.


The $digest loop in any realistic medium-large application will not be able to handle a refresh of 100ms.

Given the requirement of setInterval I simply bypassed the loop entirely, instead opting to broadcast a state change only when differing dimensions are detected (using the offsetWidth/Height native properties).

Running at a 100ms interval with a single $root scope manifest is giving the best results of anything I've tested, with ~10.2% active-tab CPU on my 2.4Ghz i7 2013 MBP--acceptable compared to the ~84% with $interval.

Any comments and critiques are welcome, otherwise, here is the self-contained directive! Obviously you can get creative with the scope and/or attributes to customize the watchers, but in the interest of staying on topic I've tried to omit any superfluous code.

It will monitor & bind size changes on an element to a scope property of your choosing, for N elements with a linear complexity. I can't guarantee it's the fastest/best way to do this, but it's the fastest implementation I could develop quickly that tracks state-agnostic DOM-level dimension changes:

app.directive('ngSize', ['$rootScope', function($root) {
return {
scope: {
size: '=ngSize'
link: function($scope, element, attrs) {

$root.ngSizeDimensions = (angular.isArray($root.ngSizeDimensions)) ? $root.ngSizeDimensions : [];
$root.ngSizeWatch = (angular.isArray($root.ngSizeWatch)) ? $root.ngSizeWatch : [];

var handler = function() {
angular.forEach($root.ngSizeWatch, function(el, i) {
// Dimensions Not Equal?
if ($root.ngSizeDimensions[i][0] != el.offsetWidth || $root.ngSizeDimensions[i][1] != el.offsetHeight) {
// Update Them
$root.ngSizeDimensions[i] = [el.offsetWidth, el.offsetHeight];
// Update Scope?
$root.$broadcast('size::changed', i);

// Add Element to Chain?
var exists = false;
angular.forEach($root.ngSizeWatch, function(el, i) { if (el === element[0]) exists = i });

// Ok.
if (exists === false) {
$root.ngSizeDimensions.push([element[0].offsetWidth, element[0].offsetHeight]);
exists = $root.ngSizeWatch.length-1;

// Update Scope?
$scope.$on('size::changed', function(event, i) {
// Relevant to the element attached to *this* directive
if (i === exists) {
$scope.size = {
width: $root.ngSizeDimensions[i][0],
height: $root.ngSizeDimensions[i][1]

// Refresh: 100ms
if (!window.ngSizeHandler) window.ngSizeHandler = setInterval(handler, 100);

// Window Resize?
// angular.element(window).on('resize', handler);


Watch element's height in angular directive

The problem is that the $watch only gets called once something calls $apply() or $digest(). Angular won't run watchers for every event as that would make the browser really laggy. Put the run section in your main module.

angular.module('app', []).directive(...).run(function($rootScope) {
angular.element(window).on("resize", function() {

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