How to Sort an Array of Objects by Multiple Fields

How to sort an array of objects by multiple fields?

You could use a chained sorting approach by taking the delta of values until it reaches a value not equal to zero.

var data = [{ h_id: "3", city: "Dallas", state: "TX", zip: "75201", price: "162500" }, { h_id: "4", city: "Bevery Hills", state: "CA", zip: "90210", price: "319250" }, { h_id: "6", city: "Dallas", state: "TX", zip: "75000", price: "556699" }, { h_id: "5", city: "New York", state: "NY", zip: "00010", price: "962500" }];

data.sort(function (a, b) {

return || b.price - a.price;


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Sort array of objects by multiple properties of string type

The test should be (assuming your date format is dd/mm/yyyy)

if ( > return 1;
if ( < return -1;
let [a_dd, a_mm, a_yy] = a.joindate.split("/");
let [b_dd, b_mm, b_yy] = b.joindate.split("/");
if (a_yy !== b_yy) return a_yy - b_yy;
if (a_mm !== b_mm) return a_mm - b_mm;
if (a_dd !== b_dd) return a_dd - b_dd;
return 0;

Sort array of objects by multiple fields using javascript sort()

You can sort multiple fields by ||

const data = [
{ num: 0.28, status: true },
{ num: 0.21, status: false },
{ num: 0.2, status: true },
{ num: 0.19, status: false },
{ num: 0.24, status: true },
{ num: 0.23, status: false },
{ num: 0.29, status: false },
{ num: 0.25, status: true },

const result = data.sort((a, b) => b.status - a.status || a.num - b.num)


Sort an array of objects by multiple fields

You may use this multi sort function from - basically you just tell it which fields to sort by and you shall get a sorting method to pass to your Array.sort.

let objs = [{
name: 'Mark',
age: 31,
id: 3,
name: 'Anne',
age: 20,
id: 2,
name: 'James',
age: 40,
id: 4,
name: 'Jerry',
age: 30,
id: 1,
name: 'Lucy',
age: 30,
id: 5,
name: 'Mark',
age: 30,
id: 6,

function getSortMethod() {
var _args =;
return function(a, b) {
for (var x in _args) {
var ax = a[_args[x].substring(1)];
var bx = b[_args[x].substring(1)];
var cx;

ax = typeof ax == "string" ? ax.toLowerCase() : ax / 1;
bx = typeof bx == "string" ? bx.toLowerCase() : bx / 1;

if (_args[x].substring(0, 1) == "-") {
cx = ax;
ax = bx;
bx = cx;
if (ax != bx) {
return ax < bx ? -1 : 1;

objs.sort(getSortMethod('+name', '+age'));
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Javascript: How to sort array of objects by multiple fields?

I'd start off with a function which sorts 2 objects by a field and descending bool

const sortBy = (a,b,field,desc) => {
if(a[field]<b[field]) return desc ? 1 : -1
else if(a[field]>b[field]) return desc ? -1 : 1
else return 0;

You can then use this in a loop over your sortFields (and descending) arrays:

const arrayToSort = [
Country: "Cyprus",
Date: new Date(2001, 0, 1),
CreateBy: "William",
Country: "Belarus",
Date: new Date(1999, 0, 1),
CreateBy: "Yuliana",

Country: "Denmark",
Date: new Date(2019, 0, 1),
CreateBy: "Ava",
Country: "Albania",
Date: new Date(2000, 0, 1),
CreateBy: "Zachary",

const sortFields = ["Country", "CreateBy", "Date"];
const descending = [true, false, true];

const sortBy = (a,b,field,desc) => {
if(a[field]<b[field]) return desc ? 1 : -1
else if(a[field]>b[field]) return desc ? -1 : 1
else return 0;

const result = arrayToSort.sort( (a,b) => {
for(var i=0;i<sortFields.length;i++){
var res = sortBy(a,b, sortFields[i], descending[i]);
if(res != 0) return res;
return 0;


How to sort an array of objects by multiple date fields?

You need to sort based on

  • whether date1 exists
  • then based on date1 value
  • then based on date2 value

Since the dates are in ISO format, you can do string comparison to sort

const input=[{id:"1",date1:"2022-03-21T18:59:36.641Z",date2:"2022-03-17T18:59:36.641Z",},{id:"2",date1:"2022-03-20T18:59:36.641Z",date2:"2022-03-17T18:59:36.641Z",},{id:"3",date2:"2022-03-17T18:59:36.641Z",},{id:"4",date2:"2022-03-15T18:59:36.641Z",}];

input.sort((a,b) =>
( ('date1' in b) - ('date1' in a) )
|| (a.date1 ?? '').localeCompare(b.date1 ?? '')
|| a.date2.localeCompare(b.date2)


Sorting of an array of objects by multiple fields in JavaScript varies based on object position in the input Array

You could take a simplified approach and chain all sorting crieria by taking the delta or use a string comparison.

getISO = (date, time) => `${date.slice(3, 5)}-${date.slice(0, 2)}-${date.slice(6, 10)}T${time}`;
data = [{ name: "Pass9884881", fld1d: 10, fld2d: 25, fld4d: 383, fld3d: 626490, fld5a: 0, date: "09/27/2021", time: "18:23:31" }, { name: "Driver1", fld1d: "10", fld2d: 25, fld4d: 356, fld3d: 559650, fld5a: 0, date: "10/18/2021", time: "14:48:17" }, { name: "Driver321", fld1d: 10, fld2d: 22, fld4d: 346, fld3d: 554400, fld5a: 1, date: "08/08/2021", time: "22:35:03" }, { name: "Driverxyz", fld1d: 9, fld2d: 25, fld4d: 350, fld3d: 497190, fld5a: 0, date: "07/26/2021", time: "14:23:33" }, { name: "Pass1974761", fld1d: "9", fld2d: 25, fld4d: 316, fld3d: 477290, fld5a: 0, date: "10/11/2021", time: "19:20:33" }, { name: "Pass7374147", fld1d: "9", fld2d: 23, fld4d: 279, fld3d: 376750, fld5a: 0, date: "10/10/2021", time: "20:13:15" }, { name: "Driver0", fld1d: 8, fld2d: 25, fld4d: 286, fld3d: 435940, fld5a: 0, date: "07/26/2021", time: "12:31:42" }, { name: "Pass1536735", fld1d: "8", fld2d: 25, fld4d: 236, fld3d: 329880, fld5a: 0, date: "10/09/2021", time: "17:19:14" }, { name: "#xxxxyyyy", fld1d: "10", fld2d: 25, fld4d: 329, fld3d: 500440, fld5a: 0, date: "11/04/2021", time: "00:04:17" }, { name: "Pass7668209", fld1d: "8", fld2d: 24, fld4d: 203, fld3d: 267150, fld5a: 0, date: "10/09/2021", time: "00:22:18" }],

data.sort((a, b) =>
b.fld1d - a.fld1d ||
b.fld2d - a.fld2d ||
b.fld3d - a.fld3d ||
b.fld4d - a.fld4d ||
a.fld5a - b.fld5a ||
getISO(, a.time).localeCompare(getISO(, b.time))

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