How to See Ping Pong in Web Socket in iOS

How to see ping pong in web socket in iOS

Use Charles Proxy

It has a tab called WebSocket that shows all web socket related conversations including frames such as Ping,Pong and Close.

Sample Image

Websockets only PONG responses are received

I was facing different error which I got to know once I setup dev environment on my local machine and connected websockets over there.

I checked logs from server and got that it was giving me zlib - gzip : invalid header.

So, the issue was that server not sending any response as it was not getting the request in proper format.

I updated gzip library via POD and now my sockets are working perfect.


How to implement Ping/Pong request for webSocket connection alive in javascript?

At this point in time, heartbeats are normally implemented on the server side: there's not much you can do from the client end.

However, if the server keeps killing your socket connection, and you have no control over it, it is possible for the client to send arbitrary data to the websocket on an interval:

let socket = null;

function connect_socket() {
socket = new WebSocket(ws_url);
socket.on("close", connect_socket); // <- rise from your grave!

function heartbeat() {
if (!socket) return;
if (socket.readyState !== 1) return;
setTimeout(heartbeat, 500);


I strongly recommend trying to sort out what's happening on the server end, rather than trying to work around it on the client.

How to detect if a browser supports ping-pong frames in javascript?

A WebSocket client that does not support ping/pong is not compliant with RFC6455 - the feature is mandatory.

All major browsers support ping/pong.

There is no way of detecting the feature from JavaScript.

StarScream websocketDidReceivePong is not getting called for writePing

Is your socket a property of your class to make sure it sticks around? If you allocate it just on a function stack it will fall out of scope and the delegates will never get called. Also the pongDelegate is separate from the regular delegate, so you need to set that to self as well:

socket.pongDelegate = self

what is Socket-IO's heartbeat mechanism? does ping/pong on all transports including polling, and this is done with its own heartbeat mechanism on which is dependent on.
No ping/pong message of websocket is used at all.

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