How Might I Extract the Property Values of a JavaScript Object into an Array

How might I extract the property values of a JavaScript object into an array?

var dataArray = [];
for(var o in dataObject) {

From an array of objects, extract value of a property as array

Here is a shorter way of achieving it:

let result = =>;


let result ={ foo }) => foo)

You can also check

Extract values from javascript object

What you need is an array. In this case you have something that should be an array of member names. To get the count you can just get the length of the array with .length. To assign the contents of the array to individual variables you can use array destructuring.

Here's what the code would look like:

const memberNames = [
"Jake Bayliss",
"Daryl Tripp",
"Tom McKenzie",
"George Bell",
"Ally Young"

const [member1, member2, member3, member4, member5] = memberNames
const count = memberNames.length

This will create an object called members with an arbitrary number of properties, named member1, member2, member3 etc.

const members = memberNames.reduce((previous, memberName, index)=>({
['member'+(index+1)]: memberName


member1: 'Jake Bayliss',
member2: 'Daryl Tripp',
member3: 'Tom McKenzie',
member4: 'George Bell',
member5: 'Ally Young'

You'll be able to use the dot operator on members to get each value. E.g. members.member1

From an array of objects, extract value of properties for each object and put in a different array

According to your desired result, I think you can use ES6 functions.

const result = => Object.values(element));

Using map() function, you go through all elements, and extract from each object its values.

Extract value from array of objects

One more variant:

var arr = [{ type: 'month', value: '9' },
{ type: 'day', value: '11' },
{ type: 'year', value: '2021' },
{ type: 'hour', value: '7' },
{ type: 'minute', value: '35' },
{ type: 'second', value: '07' }];

// var month = arr.filter(x => x.type == 'month')[0].value; // less efficient

var month = arr.find(x => x.type == 'month').value; // more efficient

console.log(month) // 9

How to get all properties values of a JavaScript Object (without knowing the keys)?

By using a simple loop:

for(var key in objects) {
var value = objects[key];

Extract a key/value object type from the properties of an array of objects in Typescript

The following should do the trick:

const allData = [
name: "info",
content: { hey: "you" },
name: "other",
content: { bro: "chill" },
] as const;

type ContentInstances = {
[K in typeof allData[number]["name"]]: Extract<
typeof allData[number],
{ name: K }

declare const foo: ContentInstances;;

The type ContentInstances iterates through all the "name" keys of the objects contained into allData. It maps each key into the union of the objects having that key, to then indexing the union with the "content" key.

From an array of objects, extract value of two properties into an array

This should work - if your elements don't have a foo or anotherfoo they'll come out as undefined

objArray = [{  foo: 1,  bar: 2,  anotherfoo: 5}, {  foo: 3,  bar: 4,  anotherfoo: 8}];
function myfunction(arr) { return { return { foo:, anotherfoo: e.anotherfoo }; });}
newArray = myfunction(objArray);console.log(newArray);
// newArray is [{foo:1, anotherfoo:5},{foo:3, anotherfoo:8}]

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