Console.Log() After Setstate() Doesn't Return the Updated State

setState doesn't update the state immediately

This callback is really messy. Just use async await instead:

async openAddBoardModal(){
await this.setState({ boardAddModalShow: true });

Console.log() after setState() doesn't return the updated state

setState() is async (React docs), so the state changes won't be applied immediately. If you want to log out the new state,setState() takes in a function as the second argument and performs that function when the state is updated. So:

abc: xyz
() => console.log(,

Or you can also use componentDidUpdate(), which is recommended

Why is the state not updating when post method is done?

States are updated asynchronously so doing console.log after setState or invoking a method which use state just after that won't reflect the new state.

Use the below code which updates following in your code

  1. Return the URL from uploadImage so that it can be used in handleSubmit method.
  2. Use useEffect to show the form to log on console.

   const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
const imageUrl = await uploadImage();
setForm({title: classTitle, classImageURL: imageUrl });

const uploadImage = async () => {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("file", imageSelected);
formData.append("upload_preset", "cloudinary_default");

const response = await



useEffect(() => {
}, [form]);

React setState not updating state

setState() is usually asynchronous, which means that at the time you console.log the state, it's not updated yet. Try putting the log in the callback of the setState() method. It is executed after the state change is complete:

this.setState({ dealersOverallTotal: total }, () => {
console.log(this.state.dealersOverallTotal, 'dealersOverallTotal1');

Why does calling react setState method not mutate the state immediately?

From React's documentation:

setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a
pending state transition. Accessing this.state after calling this
method can potentially return the existing value. There is no
guarantee of synchronous operation of calls to setState and calls may
be batched for performance gains.

If you want a function to be executed after the state change occurs, pass it in as a callback.

this.setState({value:}, function () {

reactjs set hook method is not working after console.log

This is because React's setState functions are async, you won't see the state change right away. If you would wait a second you would see the value change.

console log the state after using useState doesn't return the current value

useState by default simply does one thing and one thing only, set the new state and cause a re-render of the function. It is asynchronous in nature so by default, methods running after it usually run.

From your example, on a fresh load of the page, typing 's' causes useState to change the state, but because it is asynchronous, console.log will be called with the old state value, i.e. undefined (since you didn't set a value. You should consider setting an initial state, if you want to)

const [weather, setWeather] = useState('');    // Set the intial state

The only way to truly read the value of the state is to use useEffect, which is called when there is a re-render of the component. Your method simply becomes:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

function Weather() {
const [weather, setWeather] = useState('');

useEffect(() => console.log(weather), [weather]);

const changeValue = event => setWeather(;

return <input value={weather} onChange={changeValue} />;

const rootElement = document.getElementById('root');
ReactDOM.render(<Weather />, rootElement);

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