Ruby with Watir: Handling JavaScript Popup Window

How to handle this popup?

This popup can be treated like any other alert. You can confirm the dialog (ie click Leave) using:


If you do not know if the popup will or will not be there, you can add a check for its presence:

browser.alert.ok if browser.alert.present?

If this does not work, an alternative is to disable the function being called on unload. Make sure that you override the function before it is triggered.

# Remove the function
browser.execute_script("window.onbeforeunload = null")

# Then trigger the action that leaves the page

How to handle browser javascript confirm navigation alert with ruby watir script

Answer is: you can try to use alternative method, such as: @b.alert.exists? if it return true, then: @b.alert.close

I think this can help you in future

Watir: How I can click button in IE popup windows

As best as I can tell you have two separate issues.

Firstly, I have no idea how you set your browser variable to a page object instance. The Page Object Module definitely sets browser as a readable attribute.

So if the code is within a class that has import PageObject, you should be able to do browser.window(...) just fine.

If you are using the code outside of such a class, you need to make sure that you are in a scope that has access to the Watir::Browser instance. If you have a page object defined, you can use it like: my_page_object.browser.window(...)

Secondly - based on what you are describing, the iframe usage has to be combined with the window usage:

browser.window(title: "annoying popup") do
browser.iframe(id: 'frmMain').button(id: "close").click

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