Access JavaScript Property Case-Insensitively

Access JavaScript property case-insensitively?

Compare all the properties of obj with prop.

var objSetter = function(prop,val){
prop = (prop + "").toLowerCase();
for(var p in obj){
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(p) && prop == (p+ "").toLowerCase()){
obj[p] = val;

How to case-insensitively set value in object in Javascript?

you need to search for the key by comparing it to a lowercase version of it.
If no key was found, set the key to a default lowercase value: perm city

const data = {  'perm city': {    value: 'asda'  }};
const defaultKey = 'perm city';
const keys = Object.keys(data);
let foundKey = keys.find((key) => key.toLowerCase() === defaultKey);
foundKey = foundKey || defaultKey;
data[foundKey] = 'PIZZA';

How to check for case insensitive in JavaScript object.hasOwnProperty(value);

You actually won't use object.hasOwnProperty() here because that method tests the properties as their names are currently cased. You need the ability to modify the case of the property in question, for the purposes of the test.

For that reason, you can't just check a pre-existing property, you need to loop over the the property names and check them against a supplied value...

Just check a lower-case object property name against a forced lower-case comparison value. Also, you had some syntax errors and unnecessary code. See comments for details.

var obj={  FOO: 10,  Special: true};
function dupCheck(o, val){
var duplicateFlag = false; // Identifier names can't contain hyphens (-) for(var prop in o){ // force property name and value to lower case for comparison if(prop.toLowerCase() === val.toLowerCase()){ duplicateFlag = true; break; } // No else branch needed because duplicate starts off false } return duplicateFlag;}
console.log(dupCheck(obj, "foo")); // trueconsole.log(dupCheck(obj, "SPECIAL")); // trueconsole.log(dupCheck(obj, "somethingElse"));// false

JavaScript object check for key -- but ignore case

Long Code But Faster

var key, keys = Object.keys(obj);
var n = keys.length;
var objArr=[]
while (n--) {

if (objArr.indexOf(key)!==-1) {
//other stuff on obj

Short Code, Less Efficient

var objTemp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj).toLowerCase());

Now check in

if (key in objTemp) {
//other stuff on obj

javascript includes() case insensitive

You can create a RegExp from filterstrings first

var filterstrings = ['firststring','secondstring','thridstring'];
var regex = new RegExp( filterstrings.join( "|" ), "i");

then test if the passedinstring is there

var isAvailable = regex.test( passedinstring ); 

Object Prototype: Case Insensitive Getter On All Properties

So, after following @apsillers comment, I did solve my problem (I only needed support for lower-case and camel-case. This is not what I would consider ideal and does not actually answer my question of making a case-insensitive Object property, but I should share:

function makeCaseInsensitiveObject(obj)
var keys;

function PropertyScope(iObj, key, val)
var value = val;

var _get = function()
return value;

var _set = function(v)
value = v;

Object.defineProperty(iObj, key, {
get: _get,
set: _set

Object.defineProperty(iObj, key.toLowerCase(), {
get: _get,
set: _set

keys = Object.keys(obj);
keys = getObjectKeys(obj);

for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
if(typeof keys[i] === 'string')
PropertyScope(obj, keys[i], obj[keys[i]]);

return obj;

Be aware that the case-insensitivity here will only apply to existing object properties, not any new ones.

Thanks everybody!

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