Smart Way to Truncate Long Strings

Smart way to truncate long strings

Essentially, you check the length of the given string. If it's longer than a given length n, clip it to length n (substr or slice) and add html entity (…) to the clipped string.

Such a method looks like

function truncate(str, n){
return (str.length > n) ? str.slice(0, n-1) + '…' : str;

If by 'more sophisticated' you mean truncating at the last word boundary of a string then you need an extra check.
First you clip the string to the desired length, next you clip the result of that to its last word boundary

function truncate( str, n, useWordBoundary ){
if (str.length <= n) { return str; }
const subString = str.slice(0, n-1); // the original check
return (useWordBoundary
? subString.slice(0, subString.lastIndexOf(" "))
: subString) + "…";

You can extend the native String prototype with your function. In that case the str parameter should be removed and str within the function should be replaced with this:

String.prototype.truncate = String.prototype.truncate || 
function ( n, useWordBoundary ){
if (this.length <= n) { return this; }
const subString = this.slice(0, n-1); // the original check
return (useWordBoundary
? subString.slice(0, subString.lastIndexOf(" "))
: subString) + "…";

More dogmatic developers may chide you strongly for that ("Don't modify objects you don't own". I wouldn't mind though).

An approach without extending the String prototype is to create
your own helper object, containing the (long) string you provide
and the beforementioned method to truncate it. That's what the snippet
below does.

const LongstringHelper = str => {
const sliceBoundary = str => str.substr(0, str.lastIndexOf(" "));
const truncate = (n, useWordBoundary) =>
str.length <= n ? str : `${ useWordBoundary
? sliceBoundary(str.slice(0, n - 1))
: str.slice(0, n - 1)}…`;
return { full: str, truncate };
const longStr = LongstringHelper(`Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore
magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute
irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore
eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum`);

const plain = document.querySelector("#resultTruncatedPlain");
const lastWord = document.querySelector("#resultTruncatedBoundary");
plain.innerHTML =
longStr.truncate(+plain.dataset.truncateat, !!+plain.dataset.onword);
lastWord.innerHTML =
longStr.truncate(+lastWord.dataset.truncateat, !!+lastWord.dataset.onword);
document.querySelector("#resultFull").innerHTML = longStr.full;
body {
font: normal 12px/15px verdana, arial;

p {
width: 450px;

#resultTruncatedPlain:before {
content: 'Truncated (plain) n='attr(data-truncateat)': ';
color: green;

#resultTruncatedBoundary:before {
content: 'Truncated (last whole word) n='attr(data-truncateat)': ';
color: green;

#resultFull:before {
content: 'Full: ';
color: green;
<p id="resultTruncatedPlain" data-truncateat="120" data-onword="0"></p>
<p id="resultTruncatedBoundary" data-truncateat="120" data-onword="1"></p>
<p id="resultFull"></p>

Truncate a string straight JavaScript

Use the substring method:

var length = 3;
var myString = "ABCDEFG";
var myTruncatedString = myString.substring(0,length);
// The value of myTruncatedString is "ABC"

So in your case:

var length = 3;  // set to the number of characters you want to keep
var pathname = document.referrer;
var trimmedPathname = pathname.substring(0, Math.min(length,pathname.length));

document.getElementById("foo").innerHTML =
"<a href='" + pathname +"'>" + trimmedPathname + "</a>"

Python truncate a long string

info = (data[:75] + '..') if len(data) > 75 else data

How do I truncate a .NET string?

There isn't a Truncate() method on string, unfortunately. You have to write this kind of logic yourself. What you can do, however, is wrap this in an extension method so you don't have to duplicate it everywhere:

public static class StringExt
public static string Truncate(this string value, int maxLength)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) return value;
return value.Length <= maxLength ? value : value.Substring(0, maxLength);

Now we can write:

var someString = "...";
someString = someString.Truncate(2);
2021-09-17 Alternative with suffix and c#8 nullable reference types.
public static class StringExt
public static string? Truncate(this string? value, int maxLength, string truncationSuffix = "…")
return value?.Length > maxLength
? value.Substring(0, maxLength) + truncationSuffix
: value;

To write:

"abc".Truncate(2);          // "ab…"
"abc".Truncate(3); // "abc"
((string)null).Truncate(3); // null

Truncate a string without ending in the middle of a word

I actually wrote a solution for this on a recent project of mine. I've compressed the majority of it down to be a little smaller.

def smart_truncate(content, length=100, suffix='...'):
if len(content) <= length:
return content
return ' '.join(content[:length+1].split(' ')[0:-1]) + suffix

What happens is the if-statement checks if your content is already less than the cutoff point. If it's not, it truncates to the desired length, splits on the space, removes the last element (so that you don't cut off a word), and then joins it back together (while tacking on the '...').

How can I truncate my strings with a ... if they are too long?

Here is the logic wrapped up in an extension method:

public static string Truncate(this string value, int maxChars)
return value.Length <= maxChars ? value : value.Substring(0, maxChars) + "...";


var s = "abcdefg";


I want to truncate a text from one of the elements of my array

transform(source: string, size: number): string {
return source.length > size ? source.slice(0, size - 1) + "…" : source;

Shorten string without cutting words in JavaScript

If I understand correctly, you want to shorten a string to a certain length (e.g. shorten "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" to, say, 6 characters without cutting off any word).

If this is the case, you can try something like the following:

var yourString = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; //replace with your string.
var maxLength = 6 // maximum number of characters to extract

//trim the string to the maximum length
var trimmedString = yourString.substr(0, maxLength);

//re-trim if we are in the middle of a word
trimmedString = trimmedString.substr(0, Math.min(trimmedString.length, trimmedString.lastIndexOf(" ")))

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