How to Merge an Array of Objects With Same Keys in Es6 JavaScript

How can I merge an array of Objects with same keys in ES6 javascript?

Got very interesting code in the answers. I would like to mention that I also could achieve the result using the lodash method .merge().

const result = _.merge(listOfQuestions, listOfAnswers)

const listOfQuestions = [{question1:{important: true}}, {question2:{important: false}}]const listOfAnswers = [{question1:{answer: false}}, {question2:{answer: true}}]
const result = _.merge(listOfQuestions, listOfAnswers)console.log(result)
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Merge objects with same key in array of objects in javascript

var arr = [
"abc": [
"name": "test",
"addr": "123",
"def": [
"first_name": "test",
"last_name": "test"
"def": [
"first_name": "test1",
"last_name": "test1"

const result = arr.reduce((acc, curr) => {
const key = Object.keys(curr)[0]
const found = acc.find(i => i[key])
if (!found) {
} else {
found[key] = [ ...found[key], ...curr[key] ]
return acc;
}, [])


ES6 / JavaScript - How to merge an object on a specific key

Here the solution using lodash and uniqWith function: JSFiddle.

Here's the code:

function merge(array) {
return _.uniqWith(array, compareAndMerge)

function compareAndMerge(first, second) {
if (first.field === second.field) {
first.values = second.values = [].concat(first.values, second.values)
return true
return false

var data = [{
field: 'Currency',
operator: 'IN',
values: ['usd']
}, {
field: 'Currency',
operator: 'IN',
values: ['gbp']
}, {
field: 'Amount',
operator: 'IN',
values: [2]
field: 'Amount',
operator: 'IN',
values: [3]


Lodash.uniqWidth function wants an array and a comparator. In case of equal fields we edit values of the two compared elements assigning the concatenation of the two values arrays.

Something more: it's a transgression to edit objects inside the comparator, but I think that it could run safely.

merge objects in same array based on common value in Javascript

You can use lodash#groupBy to group all items in the array by id and then use lodash#map with an iteratee of lodash#assign that is wrapped with a lodash#spread to make the array callback as a list of arguments for lodash#assgin.

var result = _(array)

var array = [  {    assignmentId:17,    email:"",    expectation: "Make sure to proofread!",    firstName:"John",    id:23,    ignoreForFeedback: true,    lastName:"Smith",    level:2,    levelFraction:null,    score:35  },  {    assignmentId:17,    countsPerCategory: Array(4),    email:"",    firstName:"John",    frequentErrors: Array(5),    id:23,    ignoreForGrading: true,    lastName:"Smith"  },  {    assignmentId:17,    email:"",    expectation: "cite sources",    firstName:"Cindy",    id:45,    ignoreForFeedback: true,    lastName:"Lee",    level:2,    levelFraction:null,    score:32  },  {    assignmentId:17,    countsPerCategory: Array(4),    email:"",    firstName:"Cindy",    frequentErrors: Array(5),    id:45,    ignoreForGrading: true,    lastName:"Lee"  }];
var result = _(array) .groupBy('id') .map(_.spread(_.assign)) .value(); console.log(result);
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