How to Insert Dashes Between Each Two Even Digits of a Specific Number

how do I insert dashes between each two even digits of a specific number




numArr.splice(i, 0, '-');

Trying to insert dashes between 2 odd numbers.Error: Illegal return statement

You could iterate from the end of the array, because you probably insert a dash and the array gets a new length.

If you start at the end, you change not the length of the items which are eligible to test and for inserting a dash.

function insertDash(string) {    var array = string.split(""),        i = array.length;
while (i--) { if (array[i] % 2 && array[i + 1] % 2) { array.splice(i + 1, 0, '-'); } } return array.join('');}

Insert a hyphen between even numbers inside an array

I don't understand why everybody comes up with overcomplex (and sometimes non functional) code. It's simple task! No callbacks, regexps are needed and they don't even make the code easy to understand!

Using Array.splice and working with original array

/** Requires array of numbers, changes THAT array, returns null 
* @param numbers array of numbers
function addHyphenWhenEven(numbers) {
for(var i=1, l=numbers.length;i<l; i++) {
if((numbers[i]%2 + numbers[i-1]%2) == 0) {
//Splice inserts 3rd parameter before i-th position
numbers.splice(i, 0, "-");
//Must shift the positions as the array dimensions have changed
Using new array

/** Requires array of numbers, returns new array with hyphens
* @param numbers array of numbers
* @return array with numbers and hyphens
function addHyphenWhenEven2(numbers) {
return [];
var result = [numbers[0]];
for(var i=1, l=numbers.length;i<l; i++) {
if((numbers[i]%2 + numbers[i-1]%2) == 0) {
return result;

/** Requires array of numbers, changes THAT array, returns null       * @param numbers array of numbers    **/    function addHyphenWhenEven(numbers) {      for(var i=1, l=numbers.length;i<l; i++) {        if((numbers[i]%2 + numbers[i-1]%2) == 0) {          //Splice inserts 3rd parameter before i-th position          numbers.splice(i, 0, "-");           //Must shift the positions as the array dimensions have changed          i--;l++;        }            }    }
/** Requires array of numbers, returns new array with hyphens * @param numbers array of numbers * @return array with numbers and hyphens **/ function addHyphenWhenEven2(numbers) { if(numbers.length==0) return []; var result = [numbers[0]]; for(var i=1, l=numbers.length;i<l; i++) { if((numbers[i]%2 + numbers[i-1]%2) == 0) { result.push("-"); } result.push(numbers[i]); } return result; }var random = [];while(random.length<20){ random.push(Math.floor(Math.random()*10)); }
$("#res2")[0].innerHTML = addHyphenWhenEven2(random).join("");
addHyphenWhenEven(random);$("#res1")[0].innerHTML = random.join("");
<script src=""></script><h2>Using <tt>Array.splice</tt></h2><div id="res1"></div><h2>Using second array that is returned:</h2><div id="res2"></div>

Function in Javascript that inserts dashes or asterisks between each two odd or even numbers

Looping through an Array that changes its length during the loop can be very messy (i needs to be adjusted every time you splice). It's easier to create a new result variable:

function dashAst(para) {
const stringArray = para.toString().split('');
const numbArray =;
let result = "";

for (let i = 0; i < numbArray.length; i++) {
const n = numbArray[i], next = numbArray[i + 1];
result += n;
if (n % 2 == next % 2) {
result += n % 2 ? '-' : '*';

return result;

console.log(dashAst(99946)); // "9-9-94*6"
console.log(dashAst(24877)); // "2*4*87-7"

Inserting dashes between two odd numbers

The code can be simplified a bit (as well as solve the "double char" bug):

String str = "9933444";
char[] numbers = str.toCharArray();
String result = "";

for(int i = 1; i < numbers.length; i++)
int value1 = Character.getNumericValue(numbers[i-1]);
int value2 = Character.getNumericValue(numbers[i]);
result += value1;
if(value1 % 2 != 0 && value2 % 2 != 0) {
result += "-";
result += numbers[numbers.length - 1];



The reason for the "double char" bug is that every loop prints both the items on the places i-1 and i. which means that i will be printed again on the next loop (where it will become i-1).

In case you're using Java 8 - you can use a Stream do something that looks more like what you were originally trying to do:

public static void main(String[] args){
String str = "9933444";
List<String> lst = Arrays.asList(str.split(""));
String res =,b) -> {
if (isOdd(a) && isOdd(b)) {
return a + "-" + b;
else {
return a + b;

// grep the last digit from the string and check if it's odd/even
public static boolean isOdd(String x) {
if (x.length() > 1) {
if (x.substring(x.length()-1).equals("-")) {
x = x.substring(x.length()-3, x.length()-2);
else {
x = x.substring(x.length() - 1);
return Integer.parseInt(x) % 2 == 1;



How to Insert Dash Between Numbers and Text Javascript

Regular expression is a good option for such cases:

const str = "SSS1111abc545454xxxxxxxx66661111111XXXXX";

const separator = '_'

const result = str.match(/[a-z]+|\d+/ig).join(separator);


How to add asterisk and hyphen between two adjacent even and odd numbers within a string

A couple of things I'd address:

1) If you loop to numbers.Length - 1, you can avoid checking if there's a value2.

2) You can do a single both-numbers-even-or-odd check if you use the result of the modulo operation as an index into an array of delimiters.

3) When doing a bunch of string concatenations, I always try to use a StringBulder.

string numbers = "12467930";
char[] delimiters = { '-', '*' };
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(numbers.Length * 2);

for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length - 1; ++i)
int value1 = (int)char.GetNumericValue(numbers[i]);
int value2 = (int)char.GetNumericValue(numbers[i + 1]);
int mod1 = value1 % 2;
int mod2 = value2 % 2;

if (value1 != 0 && mod1 == mod2)
result.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", value1, delimiters[mod1]);

return result.ToString();

Entering dash between numbers in Javascript

Numbers don't have a length property so numbers.length will be undefined.

You probably want to cast to string first, e.g.:

numbers = String(numbers);

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