How to Get the Average from Array of Objects

How to get the average from array of objects

Despite of having several answers I would like to add mine focusing to improve the code quality:

  1. You can use destructuring in forEach() to just get the food property of the object as that is only the property you are interested with.
  2. Despite of dividing inside loop we can have only one division operation after the loop is completed. This saves a lot of computation when the array is huge(thousands of objects)
  3. You can use short hand like += in the loop for summing up the value.
  4. You can make a single line code in forEach()

const ratings = [  {food:3},  {food:4},  {food:5},  {food:2}];
let foodTotal = 0;let length = ratings.length;ratings.forEach(({food})=> foodTotal += food);

Calculate average of an array with objects that has a nested Object

There are two simple steps to the problem.

First, you need to reduce the array to an object with years and values:

// this outputs
// { 2017: [8, 5], 2018: [9], 2019: [7] }
function byYear(array) {
// take each item of an array
return array.reduce((acc, data) => {
// take the values of that item
Object.entries(data.values).forEach(([year, value]) => {
// and map all the values to years
acc[year] = acc[year] || []
return acc
}, {})

The second step is just taking averages:

function average(object) {
const averages = {}
for (let key in object) {
averages[key] = object[key].reduce((sum, value) => sum + value) / object[key].length
return averages

And now you put them together:


In here, the input is the filtered array. As a whole snippet:

function byYear(array) {
return array.reduce((acc, data) => {
Object.entries(data.values).forEach(([year, value]) => {
acc[year] = acc[year] || []
return acc
}, {})

function average(object) {
const averages = {}
for (let key in object) {
averages[key] = object[key].reduce((sum, value) => sum + value) / object[key].length
return averages

const output = average(byYear([{
course: "math",
id: 4,
values: {
2017: 8,
2018: 9
}, {
course: "math",
id: 4,
values: {
2017: 5,
2019: 7


calculate sum, average array of object in js use reduce or for loop

You can reduce to combine age values per group, then map to compute averages per key and convert back to an object with Object.fromEntries:

const users = [
{ group: 'editor', name: 'Adam', age: 23 },
{ group: 'editor', name: 'John', age: 28 },
{ group: 'editor', name: 'William', age: 34 },
{ group: 'admin', name: 'Oliver', age: 28 }

const grouped = users.reduce((a, e) => {
if (!a[]) {
a[] = [];

return a;
}, {});

const avgs = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(grouped).map(([k, v]) => [
k, v.reduce((a, e) => a + e, 0) / v.length


Average of array inside an object

If you are looking for traditional loop:

const Students = [{
name: 'Bob',
marks: [78, 80, 89, 90, 68],
name: 'Alin',
marks: [87, 60, 59, 70, 68],
name: 'bikash',
marks: [82, 60, 79, 60, 80],

var average;
for (let i = 0; i < Students.length; i++){
var marks = Students[i]["marks"];
var total = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < marks.length; j++ ) {
total += marks[j];
average = total / marks.length;

// answer for question in the comment
var msg = Students[i]["name"] + " has average mark: " + average;



Find the average of an array with objects (Java)

Reason for error Array type expected, java.lang.Object" is belowline

`total = total + GeometricShape[i];

maybe you need to change it to

total = total + shapes[i];

Calculate average of value in array of object

You can easily achieve this using reduce. Add all readingTime and divide it by the length of the readingTime.

readingTime is property of an object and it is not an array.

You can only use reduce on Array.

You need to divide the total(addition of readingTime) with BookDetails.length

const BookDetails = [{
bookName: "Harry Pottar",
readingTime: 10663
bookName: "Harry Pottar",
readingTime: 10986
bookName: "kaptura Tech",
readingTime: 7034

const result =
BookDetails.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr.readingTime, 0) /

Most efficient way to get average by object property (array of Objects)

Looks like this is similar to the answer you posted yourself, except I separated out the averaging of the Map into its own step.

const data = [[{ SYD393: 3 }, { STA244: 4 }, { STA255: 5 }, { CSE255: 4 }, { ASD323: 5 },], [{ ASD323: 5 }, { STA255: 5 }, { SYD393: 1 },],];
const avg = a => a.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / a.length,

sums = data.flat().reduce((a, o) => {
const [[c, r]] = Object.entries(o);
a.set(c, (a.get(c) ?? []).concat(r));
return a;
}, new Map),

avgs = new Map([...sums.entries()].map(([c, rs]) => [c, avg(rs)])),

res = => => {
const [k] = Object.keys(o); return { [k]: avgs.get(k) }

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