How to Filter JSON Data in JavaScript or Jquery

How to filter JSON Data in JavaScript or jQuery?

This is how you should do it : ( for google find)

{"name":"Lenovo Thinkpad 41A4298","website":"google222"},
{"name":"Lenovo Thinkpad 41A2222","website":"google"}
.filter(function (i,n){

Better solution : ( Salman's)

$.grep( [{"name":"Lenovo Thinkpad 41A4298","website":"google"},{"name":"Lenovo Thinkpad 41A2222","website":"google"}], function( n, i ) {

Filter JSON by key value

You should use filter method.

The filter() method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.

Provided function is a callback which is applied to each element of the array.

var arr = [{"time":"2016-07-26 09:02:27","type":"aa"}, {"time":"2016-04-21 20:35:07","type":"ae"}, {"time":"2016-08-20 03:31:57","type":"ar"}, {"time":"2017-01-19 22:58:06","type":"ae"}, {"time":"2016-08-28 10:19:27","type":"ae"}, {"time":"2016-12-06 10:36:22","type":"ar"}, {"time":"2016-07-09 12:14:03","type":"ar"}, {"time":"2016-10-25 05:05:37","type":"ae"}, {"time":"2016-06-05 07:57:18","type":"ae"}, {"time":"2016-10-08 22:03:03","type":"aa"}, {"time":"2016-08-13 21:27:37","type":"ae"}, {"time":"2016-04-09 07:36:16","type":"ar"}, {"time":"2016-12-30 17:20:08","type":"aa"}, {"time":"2016-03-11 17:31:46","type":"aa"}, {"time":"2016-05-04 14:08:25","type":"ar"}, {"time":"2016-11-29 05:21:02","type":"ar"}, {"time":"2016-03-08 05:46:01","type":"ar"}, ];

return item.type == "ar";

how to filter json data using jquery

You can use .map() to create new array of objects with only the relevant content in it.

The following creates a new array of objects - with just the displayName and the phone numbers array for each user.

var data = [{"id":"1","rawId":"1","displayName":"user name 1","name":{"familyName":"user","givenName":"name","formatted":"user name 1"},"nickname":null,"phoneNumbers":[{"id":"2","pref":false,"value":"9874563210","type":"other"}],"emails":null,"addresses":null,"ims":null,"organizations":null,"birthday":null,"note":null,"photos":null,"categories":null,"urls":""},{"id":"2","rawId":"1","displayName":"user name 2","name":{"familyName":"user","givenName":"name","formatted":"user name 2"},"nickname":null,"phoneNumbers":[{"id":"2","pref":false,"value":"9632587410","type":"other"}],"emails":null,"addresses":null,"ims":null,"organizations":null,"birthday":null,"note":null,"photos":null,"categories":null,"urls":""},{"id":"3","rawId":"1","displayName":"user name 3","name":{"familyName":"user","givenName":"name","formatted":"user name 3"},"nickname":null,"phoneNumbers":[{"id":"2","pref":false,"value":"9858745852","type":"other"}],"emails":null,"addresses":null,"ims":null,"organizations":null,"birthday":null,"note":null,"photos":null,"categories":null,"urls":null},{"id":"4","rawId":"1","displayName":"Distress Number","name":{"familyName":"Number","givenName":"Distress","formatted":"Distress Number"},"nickname":null,"phoneNumbers":[{"id":"2","pref":false,"value":"8547125693","type":"other"}],"emails":null,"addresses":null,"ims":null,"organizations":null,"birthday":null,"note":null,"photos":null,"categories":null,"urls":""}]

let details = => { return {displayName: item.displayName, phoneNumbers: item.phoneNumbers}})

How can I filter a JSON object in JavaScript?

You can create a function using reduce() and Object.keys() that will check key names with indexOf() and return the desired result.

var obj = {
"Alarm": {
"Hello": 48,
"World": 3,
"Orange": 1
"Rapid": {
"Total": 746084,
"Fake": 20970,
"Cancel": 9985,
"Word": 2343
"Flow": {
"Support": 746084,
"About": 0,
"Learn": 0

function filterBy(val) {
var result = Object.keys(obj).reduce(function(r, e) {
if (e.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) != -1) {
r[e] = obj[e];
} else {
Object.keys(obj[e]).forEach(function(k) {
if (k.toLowerCase().indexOf(val) != -1) {
var object = {}
object[k] = obj[e][k];
r[e] = object;
return r;
}, {})
return result;


Filter JSON Data with multiple filters in jQuery

This would work:

var filters = {Diesel: "1", CarWash: "Full"};

var facilities = [{ "FacilityID": 123, "Diesel": 0, "ATM": 0, "CarWash": "None" }, { "FacilityID": 456, "Diesel": 1, "ATM": 0, "CarWash": "None" }, { "FacilityID": 789, "Diesel": 1, "ATM": 0, "CarWash": "Full" } ];

var selectedFacility = null;
// loop over each facilities $.each(facilities, function(i, facility) { var matchesAllFilters = true; // loop over each filter $.each(filters, function(filterName, filterValue) { var facilityValue = facility[filterName]; if (filterValue != facilityValue) { matchesAllFilters = false; return false; } }); if (matchesAllFilters) { selectedFacility = facility; } });
console.log(selectedFacility );
<script src=""></script>

Filter JSON data with jquery

You really do not need JQuery for this. You can use Object.values() function to get an array of values for each property in the object:

const input = {     "0":{        "name":"example",      "age":"21"   },   "1":{      "name":"example2",      "age":"22"   }}
const result = Object.values(input)

Filter json based on key and match it against one of the values from array

Use Array.some() to test if it starts with any of the strings in testMatch.match.

const products = [{
"id": "1",
"category": "Fruit from USA",
"name": "Banana",
"id": "2",
"category": "Fruit from Brazil",
"name": "Long Banana",
"id": "3",
"category": "Vegetable",
"name": "Carrot",
"id": "4",
"category": "Car from USA",
"name": "Ford",
"id": "5",
"category": "Car from Germany",
"name": "Audi",
"id": "6",
"category": "Train from Italy",
"name": "Pendolino",

const testMatch = {
match: ['Car', 'Fruit']

const productList = products.filter(filteredCategory =>
testMatch.match.some(match => filteredCategory.category.startsWith(match)));


How to filter an json object by another object - Javascript

You can use every and includes to make a boolean value that will work with filter().

For example:

var jsondata = [{"firstName": "Sam","lastName": "Jones","age": "10"},{"firstName": "Sam1","lastName": "Jones1","age": "10"},{"firstName": "Sam2","lastName": "Jones2","age": "12"},{"firstName": "Sam3","lastName": "Jones3","age": "13"},{"firstName": "Sam4","lastName": "Jones4","age": "14"},{"firstName": "Sam5","lastName": "Jones5","age": "15"},{"firstName": "Sam","lastName": "Jones11","age": "16"},{"firstName": "Sam6","lastName": "Jones6","age": "17"},{"firstName": "Sam7","lastName": "Jones7","age": "18"},{"firstName": "Sam8","lastName": "Jones8","age": "19"},{"firstName": "Sam9","lastName": "Jones9","age": "20"},{"firstName": "Sam10","lastName": "Jones10","age": "21"},{"firstName": "Sam11","lastName": "Jones11","age": "22"},{"firstName": "Sam12","lastName": "Jones12","age": "23"}]  var filterArray = [{"id":"firstName","value":["Sam"]},{"id":"lastName","value":["Jones"]}]
let filtered = jsondata.filter(item => // filter jsondata filterArray.every( f => // so every member of filter array f.value.includes(item[])) ) // has a corresponding item[id] in value

How to Filter a complex json object using javascript?

You can use Array#filter and assign the result directly to the property HOMES.

var json = { "Lofts": "none", "Maisons": "2", "HOMES": [{ "home_id": "1", "price": "925", "num_of_beds": "2" }, { "home_id": "2", "price": "1425", "num_of_beds": "4", }, { "home_id": "3", "price": "333", "num_of_beds": "5", }] };
json.HOMES = json.HOMES.filter(function (a) { return a.home_id === '2';});
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(json, 0, 4) + '</pre>');

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