Fix Node Position in D3 Force Directed Layout

Fix Node Position in D3 Force Directed Layout

Set d.fixed on the desired nodes to true, and initialize d.x and d.y to the desired position. These nodes will then still be part of the simulation, and you can use the normal display code (e.g., setting a transform attribute); however, because they are marked as fixed, they can only be moved by dragging and not by the simulation.

See the force layout documentation for more details (v3 docs, current docs), and also see how the root node is positioned in this example.

d3js create a force layout with fixed nodes

the solution is simple insert into the nodes object x,y coordinates and fixed:true like this

{ name: "Sara", id:"1", x:239.31191418045182, y:296.78520431471384, fixed:true},
{ name: "Raul", id:"2", x:261.1651006560272, y:200.78448049334696, fixed:true},
{ name: "Stefano", id:"3", fixed:false},
{ name: "Michele", id:"4", fixed:false}

this is a working example please add yourself d3js library.

for my purpose works fine.

Fix position of force-graph node using D3.js

I have found a solution:

.nodeVal(node => {         
node.fx = 500;
node.fy = 500

Using the nodeVal method, I can access the attributes of the nodes to fix it. Adding a if statement would allow me to change it only if it the specific nodes I need. Thanks for everyone's help!

Fixed nodes not being fixed (d3 Force Directed Graph)

d3.js v4 does not have a fixed property. Instead, you need to set the nodes fx and fy attributes. Note, your drag functions are already doing this.

.nodes( => {
if(latlong[c.code] === undefined) {
console.log(c,'missing lat/long data')
return c
c.fx = c.x = (+latlong[c.code][0])
c.fy = c.y = (+latlong[c.code][1])
return c

Fix only one dimension of a node in force layout?

This isn't directly supported in D3, but you can do it manually by resetting the coordinate you want to remain constant in the tick handler function.

force.on("tick", function() {
nodes.each(function(d) {
d.x = d.px = d.savedX; // similar for y
// do other stuff

This requires you to store the desired value with the data bound to the nodes, in the example in an attribute savedX (although you can obviously use any other name as long as it's not used by anything else).

D3.js version 4 make nodes sticky

Not sure if the answer is needed but I was able to make Nodes sticky, actually it was pretty simple fix in your code and I learnt it when I reviewed this Issue on GitHub - Issue #35

The idea of fixing a node is very simple now in v4 of d3 library, in your above code just comment following two lines:

function dragended(d) {
if (! simulation.alphaTarget(0);
//d.fx = null;
//d.fy = null;

Theory is, to fix the node, we need to set node.fx & node.fy which your code is actually setting in dragged() function definition.

Hope it helps, as it does to me.

The same is also mentioned in the documentation here - D3 V4 - API

To fix a node in a given position, you may specify two additional

  • fx - the node’s fixed x-position
  • fy - the node’s fixed y-position

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