How to Download Pdf Automatically Using Js

How to download PDF automatically using js?

Use the download attribute.

var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = url; = 'file.pdf';
link.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));

Download a pdf automatically when a webpage is opened

Use this:


<a id="downloadLink" href="news.pdf" download></a>

Java Script

Solution 1 :

window.onload = function() {

Solution 2: after 2 second

var downloadStartTime = setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);

(HTML) Download a PDF file instead of opening them in browser when clicked

There is now the HTML 5 download attribute that can handle this.

I agree, and think Sarim's answer is good (it probably should be the chosen answer if the OP ever returns). However, this answer is still the reliable way to handle it (as Yiğit Yener's answer points out and--oddly--people agree with). While the download attribute has gained support, it's still spotty:

Prevent PDF auto download by idm using pdf.js

This is not something related to developing issue , this is something related to user specific environement.

The Issue :

Using IDM ,any URL that ends with a media extension (e.g *.JPG , *.PNG , *.MP4 , *.WMV , *.PDF ..etc ) will be downloaded automatically , However on the other hand if the user doesnt have IDM installed , the file will be viewed immediately in browser window.

Possible Solutions :

  1. Remove PDF extension Handler from IDM , to prevent auto download, and i think the image explains it very well.

IDM prevent file types from being handled

  1. Modify response header for your PDF link to force your browser to view pdf inside its view , please consider that each browser may handle the response differently , more details about this method can be found here.

Final Note:

As a developer you shouldnt handle each user specific environment , we
suppose that when user installs a specific app to handle generic files
, then it is his/her role to handle that application , and not the
developer role , cause if you follow this algorithm you jump inside
infinite loop handling different users specific setup.

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