How to Extract the User Name from an Email Address Using JavaScript

How can I extract the user name from an email address using javascript?

Regular Expression with match

with safety checks

var str="";
var nameMatch = str.match(/^([^@]*)@/);
var name = nameMatch ? nameMatch[1] : null;

written as one line

var name = str.match(/^([^@]*)@/)[1];

Regular Expression with replace

with safety checks

var str="";
var nameReplace = str.replace(/@.*$/,"");
var name = nameReplace!==str ? nameReplace : null;

written as one line

var name = str.replace(/@.*$/,"");

Split String

with safety checks

var str="";
var nameParts = str.split("@");
var name = nameParts.length==2 ? nameParts[0] : null;

written as one line

var name = str.split("@")[0];

Performance Tests of each example

JSPerf Tests

How to retrieve Name from Email Address

var email = "";
var name = email.substring(0, email.lastIndexOf("@"));
var domain = email.substring(email.lastIndexOf("@") +1);

console.log( name ); // john.doe
console.log( domain ); //

The above will also work for valid names containing @ ( 5):




  • String.prototype.substring()
  • String.prototype.lastIndexOf()
Using RegExp:

Given the email value is already validated, String.prototype.match() can be than used to retrieve the desired name, domain:

String match:

const name   = email.match(/^.+(?=@)/)[0];    
const domain = email.match(/(?<=.+@)[^@]+$/)[0];

Capturing Group:

const name   = email.match(/(.+)@/)[1];    
const domain = email.match(/.+@(.+)/)[1];

To get both fragments in an Array, use String.prototype.split() to split the string at the last @ character:

const [name, domain] = email.split(/(?<=^.+)@(?=[^@]+$)/);
console.log(name, domain);

or simply with /@(?=[^@]*$)/.

Here's an example that uses a reusable function getEmailFragments( String )

const getEmailFragments = (email) => email.split(/@(?=[^@]*$)/);

.forEach(email => {
const [name, domain] = getEmailFragments(email);
console.log("DOMAIN: %s NAME: %s ", domain, name);

extract first and last name from pattern email address

Use String.prototype.split() method:

var empmail = ''

var fullName = empmail.split('@')[0].split('.');

var firstName = fullName[0];
var lastName = fullName[ fullName.length-1 ]

regex to match the string and extract email and user name in javascript

After carving out the valid JSON portion from the string you can parse it and access the properties you need:

const resp=`{
"typ": "JWT",
"alg": "44555"
"XForwardedFor": "",
"sm_AppId": "test",
"UserId": "changu",
"sm_Userdn": "some userdn",
"Mail": "",
"DomainName": "",
"UserAgent": "Amazon",
"CreationTime": "2020-09-08T05:01:55.616Z"
ii( NJm)'d=IXp:$uG\mf }`
let obj=JSON.parse(resp.match(/\{[^{]*UserId[^}]*\}/))

console.log(obj.UserId, obj.Mail)

Extract name and email from string in JS

It's hard to tell if the data will change or remain the same, but here's my attempt:

var re  = /(?:"?([A-Z][^<"]+)"?\s*)?<?([^>\s,]+)/g;

while (m = re.exec(str)) {
if(m[1]) { m[1] = m[1].trim() }
console.log("Name: " + m[1]);
console.log("Email: " + m[2]);

Working Demo

Extract email address from Google account

Here is a way to receive data (email, etc.) in JavaScript. At the end it shows an alert with data. (You can store this data in a database.) It's a complete working example with a Google button.


<title>Demo: Getting an email address using the Google+ Sign-in button</title>
<!-- Include the API client and Google+ client. -->
<script src = "" async defer></script>

<!-- Container with the Sign-In button. -->
<div id="gConnect" class="button">
<button class="g-signin"
<!-- Textarea for outputting data -->
<div id="response" class="hide">
<textarea id="responseContainer" style="width:100%; height:150px"></textarea>

* Handler for the signin callback triggered after the user selects an account.
function onSignInCallback(resp) {

gapi.client.load('plus', 'v1', apiClientLoaded);

* Sets up an API call after the Google API client loads.
function apiClientLoaded() {{userId: 'me'}).execute(handleEmailResponse);

* Response callback for when the API client receives a response.
* @param resp The API response object with the user email and profile information.
function handleEmailResponse(resp) {
var primaryEmail;
var name;
var gender;

for (var i=0; i < resp.emails.length; i++) {
if (resp.emails[i].type === 'account')
primaryEmail = resp.emails[i].value;
if (resp.displayName != null)
name = resp.displayName;
gender = resp.gender;
document.getElementById('responseContainer').value = 'Primary email: ' +
primaryEmail + '\n\nFull Response:\n' + JSON.stringify(resp);
ShowAlert("Email: "+primaryEmail +" "+"Name: "+ resp.displayName +" "+"Gender: "+gender);



For further information and detail you can (should) read this link:
Getting people and profile information

Using regex to extract username from email address

The regular expression that will match and capture any character until it reaches the @ character:


That seems like what you need. It'll handle all kinds of freaky variations on e-mail addresses.

I'm not sure why Ben James deleted his answer, since I feel it's better than mine. I'm going to post it here (unless he undeletes his answer):

Why use regex instead of string functions?

$parts = explode("@", "");
$username = $parts[0];

You don't need regular expressions in this situation at all. I think using explode is a much better option, personally.

As Johannes Rössel points out in the comments, e-mail address parsing is rather complicated. If you want to be 100% sure that you will be able to handle any technically-valid e-mail address, you're going to have to write a routine that will handle quoting properly, because both solutions listed in my answer will choke on addresses like "a@b" There may be a library that handles this kind of parsing for you, but I am unaware of it.

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