Amount of All Goals of One Team (From Json)

Amount of all goals of one team (from JSON)

If you insist on keeping code as it is, you could probably add another object to track goals like this:

 function countGames() {
var data = this.$;
var arr1 = [];
var goalsPerTeam = []; // keep track of goals here
var obj1 = {};

//Here I got all unique Team IDs
function getMatches() {
for (var i in data) {
obj1[data[i].team_1_id] = (obj1[data[i].team_1_id] || 0) + 1;
obj1[data[i].team_2_id] = (obj1[data[i].team_2_id] || 0) + 1;
// add goals count
if (goalsPerTeam[data[i].team_1_id] === undefined) {
goalsPerTeam[data[i].team_1_id] = parseInt(data[i].team_1_goals_quantity);
} else {
goalsPerTeam[data[i].team_1_id] += parseInt(data[i].team_1_goals_quantity);

if (goalsPerTeam[data[i].team_2_id] === undefined) {
goalsPerTeam[data[i].team_2_id] = parseInt(data[i].team_2_goals_quantity);
} else {
goalsPerTeam[data[i].team_2_id] += parseInt(data[i].team_2_goals_quantity);
Object.keys(obj1).forEach(function(el, data) {
arr1.push( [ el, obj1[el], goalsPerTeam[el]] ); // update this
var result =
// add here finally
([team_id, matches, goals]) => ({team_id, matches, goals}) //here I got { {team_id: "119", matches: 3}, {team_id: "120", matches: 1} ... }
return result;

Getting largest value from JSON and displaying related data (API/Javascript)

This will loop over the array only once and retrieve all stats in one go:

const input = {  "elements": [{      "first_name": "Petr",      "second_name": "Cech",      "minutes": 585,      "goals_scored": 0,      "assists": 0,      "clean_sheets": 1,    },    {      "first_name": "Bernd",      "second_name": "Leno",      "minutes": 135,      "goals_scored": 0,      "assists": 0,      "clean_sheets": 0,    },    {      "first_name": "Mesut",      "second_name": "Özil",      "minutes": 510,      "goals_scored": 2,      "assists": 0,      "clean_sheets": 2,    }  ]};
const stats = input.elements.reduce((stats, player) => { ['minutes', 'goals_scored', 'assists', 'clean_sheets'].forEach(key => { if (player[key] > stats[key].max) { stats[key].max = player[key]; stats[key].bestPlayer = player; } }); return stats;}, { minutes: {max: 0, bestPlayer: null}, goals_scored: {max: 0, bestPlayer: null}, assists: {max: 0, bestPlayer: null}, clean_sheets: {max: 0, bestPlayer: null}});
console.log('minutes', stats.minutes);console.log('goals_scored', stats.goals_scored);console.log('assists', stats.assists);console.log('clean_sheets', stats.clean_sheets);

Sort a List of json objects in FLutter


Implement a model class for json. Implement Comparable interface and then sort it.

Now that you have already have modal class. I have taken a dummy class to explain how to implement this

class Student implements Comparable {
int marks;
String name ;


int compareTo(other) {

if (this.marks < other.marks) {
return 1;

else if (this.marks > other.marks) {
return -1;

return 0;

void main(){
List<Student> myList = [];

print('Before sort');
for(var item in myList){
print(item.marks.toString()+" ";


print('After sort');
for(var item in myList){
print(item.marks.toString()+" ";

Comparator<Student> nameSorter = (a, b) =>;


print('After sort by name');
for(var item in myList){
print(item.marks.toString()+" ";

You can run this code here

Get data from json and use just one result as value

You have an Object which has, amongst others, an array of objects named standing and they in turn have teamName property. So to get the first one you'll do

if($details->standing[0]->teamName == 'Manchester United')

Or you can loop over standing and get all of them if in case there are multiple entries


foreach($details->standing as $record)
if($record->teamName == 'Manchester United')

Node js loop through JSON and get latest values per team based on the timestamp

If you can use lodash, this can be very simple and readable

const _ = require('lodash');

const input =
timestamp: '1571967208',
team: 'team1',
goals: '2'
timestamp: '1571967150',
team: 'team2',
goals: '1'
timestamp: '1571967110',
team: 'team1',
goals: '0'
timestamp: '1571967067',
team: 'team3',
goals: '4'
timestamp: '1571966896',
team: 'team1',
goals: '5'

const grouped = _.groupBy(input, "team");
const latestGoal = Object.keys(grouped).map(item => _.sortBy(grouped[item], ["timestamp"])[0]));

Get data from json and use just one result as value

You have an Object which has, amongst others, an array of objects named standing and they in turn have teamName property. So to get the first one you'll do

if($details->standing[0]->teamName == 'Manchester United')

Or you can loop over standing and get all of them if in case there are multiple entries


foreach($details->standing as $record)
if($record->teamName == 'Manchester United')

make the average with 2 values from Json with AngularJS

Your code has a few issues that I will try to make it clear for you. Let's start with the HTML.

ng-if="stat.mediaGoals()" will ever be matched, because the object stat does not have a mediaGoals function, and even if it has it, your mediaGoals function returns nothing, undefined to be more specific. Also, mediaGoals in this case, is a real performance killer.

My recommendation is to parse/convert the JSON in the service that loads it, converting the content into something more easy to handle in the HTML.

As I don't know the code that loads the JSON, I will adapt an illustrative example of your code and hope it helps.

Suppose we are using $http to load the JSON from an API

var players = [];
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
var item =[i];
var player = {
player: item.player,
stats: { media: 0 }
var tmp_goals = 0;
var tmp_mins = 0;

for (var x=0; x < item.stats.length; x++) {
var stat = item.stats[x];

player.stats[] = stat.value;

switch( {
case 'goals':
tmp_goals = stat.value;
case 'mins_played':
tmp_mins = stat.value;

if (tmp_mins > 0) { = tmp_goals/tmp_mins;


return players;

Now, every time we get a single item from this list, it will look like this:

player: {
info: ...same from anwser
stats: {
appearances: 80,
backward_pass: 308,
draws: 23,
fwd_pass: 1533,
goal_assist: 2,
goals: 5,
losses: 20,
media: 0.0007191140514885661,
mins_played: 6953,
wins: 48

Note that I did not include some info for brevity. But now, when we set the value to $scope.Jugador with one item from the parsed/converted list, the HTML will become much simpler, not need of ngRepeat or ngIf.

<div class="stadistics">
<div class="cont-desc-player">
<div class="desc-player separador">
<span class="txt-estadistics">Appearances</span>
<span class="num-estadistics">{{Jugador.stats.appearances}}</span>
<div class="desc-player separador">
<span class="txt-estadistics">Goals</span>
<span class="num-estadistics">{{Jugador.stats.goals}}</span>
<div class="desc-player separador">
<span class="txt-estadistics">Assists</span>
<span class="num-estadistics">{{Jugador.stats.goal_assist}}</span>
<div class="desc-player separador">
<span class="txt-estadistics">Goals per match</span>
<span class="num-estadistics">{{}}</span>

Or probably you want to keep the ngIf and only show the info if the value is greater than 0

<div class="desc-player separador" data-ng-if=" > 0">
<span class="txt-estadistics">Goals per match</span>
<span class="num-estadistics">{{}}</span>

It is all up to you from now on, hope it help.


If you want to continue with your approach on mediaGoals function, then you need to invoke it in your controller before you set the value to Jugador, so, it needs some changes.

$scope.Jugador = mediaGoals($scope.players[0]);

function mediaGoals(jugador) {
var tmp_goals = 0;
var tmp_mins = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < jugador.stats.length; i++) {
switch(jugador.stats[i].name) {
case 'goals':
tmp_goals = jugador.stats[i].value;
case 'mins_played':
tmp_mins = jugador.stats[i].value;


jugador.stats.push({ name: 'media', value: tmp_mins > 0 ? tmp_goals/tmp_mins : 0 });

return jugador;

Adjust $scope.players[0] to your needs.

Now, your HTML can change to this

<div class="desc-player separador" ng-if=" == 'media'">
<span class="txt-estadistics">Goals per match</span>
<span class="num-estadistics">{{stat.value}}</span>

Parse and modify an array in Javascript

Thought these two operation can be done together for clean writing you can do the following.

map to add the difference between the two property in a new property called d

using Math.abs to keep the difference positive.

let teams = [{"team":"Arsenal","f":"79","a":"36"},
{"team":"Leicester","f":"30","a":"64"}]; => t['d'] = Math.abs(t.f - t.a))


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