How to Check Connection Type (Wifi/Lan/Wwan) Using Html5/JavaScript

Determine user's internet connection type via javascript or jquery

Directly speaking you cannot.

There is currently a Draft in Here, which gives informtion,It is experimental.But at present only selected & update browsers support that method.

Mozilla has even not defined it in its compatibility report, but you can see its parent class compatibility Here, which shows that this method is still far behind.

There are still some methods available like iOS,Windows APP, PhoneGAP (They support because they have built an application. Here is information on API)

Is there an functionality in HTML5 to discover client internet connection type?

No html5 doesn't support it . You can instead check the time it takes to send and receive a file to know the users speed

How to check HOW a browser is online

You could use window.navigator.connection but the support for this API is very limited at the moment. Check out:

How to detect if device is desktop and/or mobile, and if connection is wifi or not with AngularJS

You don't need Angular to do such check.

In order to detect if a device is a desktop or a mobile, use navigator.userAgent, see this answer

In order to detect the connection type, use navigator.connection, see this answer

Be careful, this API support is not universal, see here.

Another way to do it is to try this plugin, which relies on internet speed check, but I have never used it.

Finally, if you REALLY need this info for smartphone users, convert your website on Cordova, then distribute your app.

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