For Loop Through Array Only Shows Last Value

For loop through Array only shows last value

Change your for loop:

for (i = 0; i <= (n-1); i++) {
var list = names[i];
var myList = document.getElementById("list");
myList.innerHTML += "<li class='list-group-item' id='listItem'>"+ list + "</li>" + "<br />";

Use += instead of =. Other than that, your code looks fine.

For loop only shows last value in array

You are passing a single-element array several times instead of passing a single collection of coordinates.

Try creating a method of

indexToFeature(index) {
const {longitude, latitude, userName, dateTimeCaptured} = index;
return {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
'description': "Dispatcher: " + userName + "\n" + "\Lng/Lat\:" + longitude + " / " + latitude + "\n" + "\StartTime\: " + dateTimeCaptured
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [longitude, latitude, userName, dateTimeCaptured]

Then your main body can simply be'data-source').setData({
"type": "FeatureCollection",

to call setData once, converting the entire array of overwatchTargets into an array of features.

In forEach loop, only last value is shown

I think you should declare new XMLHttpRequest();
in each every forEach iteration:

first10.forEach(objs => {
/*HERE*/ let object = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', `${objs}`, true);

otherwise you're re-assigning the new calls for the same object so you get the last one only.

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