Sound Effects in JavaScript/Html5

Sound effects in JavaScript / HTML5

HTML5 Audio objects

You don't need to bother with <audio> elements. HTML 5 lets you access Audio objects directly:

var snd = new Audio("file.wav"); // buffers automatically when created;

There's no support for mixing in current version of the spec.

To play same sound multiple times, create multiple instances of the Audio object. You could also set snd.currentTime=0 on the object after it finishes playing.

Since the JS constructor doesn't support fallback <source> elements, you should use

(new Audio()).canPlayType("audio/ogg; codecs=vorbis")

to test whether the browser supports Ogg Vorbis.

If you're writing a game or a music app (more than just a player), you'll want to use more advanced Web Audio API, which is now supported by most browsers.

How to play audio?

If you don't want to mess with HTML elements:

var audio = new Audio('audio_file.mp3');;

function play() {
var audio = new Audio('');;
<button onclick="play()">Play Audio</button>

How do I make JavaScript beep?

It's not possible to do directly in JavaScript. You'll need to embed a short WAV file in the HTML, and then play that via code.

An Example:

function PlaySound(soundObj) {
var sound = document.getElementById(soundObj);

<embed src="success.wav" autostart="false" width="0" height="0" id="sound1"

You would then call it from JavaScript code as such:


This should do exactly what you want - you'll just need to find/create the beep sound yourself, which should be trivial.

Advanced audio manipulation in HTML5

There is a method to getUserMedia using HTML5 which allows recording using the computer's microphone. But, it is only supported by Opera at this time.

Audio playback is supported by all modern browsers.

Thw Web Audio API will allow the other things you ask for. It does not have full browser support.

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