Document.Write() Overwriting the Document

document.write() overwriting the document?

The issue is that when you run document.write after the document has loaded, it overwrites the entire document. If it is run before that, it does not overwrite it.

What you want to do is set the innerHtml of a specific element, something like:


Javascript document write overwriting page?

Using document.write() after the page has finished loading implicitly calls, which creates a new page. You should generally avoid document.write() and stick to proper DOM creation techniques, or use jQuery's shorthand creation methods:

jQuery(function($) {
$('<style type="text/css"> .preload img { display: none; } </style>')

I'm assuming you can't edit the HTML or CSS files that are loaded by the page to include this rule? If that's the case, and you want these styles applied before the page finishes loading, take `document.write()` out of the jQuery ready handler:
// write() before the document finishes loading
document.write('<style type="text/css"> .preload img { display: none; } </style>');
jQuery(function($) {

This will write the <style> tag immediately after the currently executing <script> tag. Hopefully, this is in your <head> element as <style> is invalid anywhere else, although all browsers should parse it OK either way.

document.Write() overwriting all page content

Basically, innerHTML is a property not a function,

document.getElementById("audio").innerHTML = 
'<EMBED src= "' + soundFile + '" hidden=true autostart=true loop=true>';

In your console, you should see an error like innerHTML is not a function.

Javascript document.write overwriting a php page

You can not use document.write after page load. what it does is opens up a new document and replaces what ever you have there with new content.

In this example there is no need to even use document.write. Just use the script tags. jQuery will handle the script tags for you.

You really should just skip using load and use $.get or $.getJSON and handle the response yourself.

Have the server return a JSON object.

raceV : "foo",
clasV : "bar",
outStr : "You have chosen a {1} {2}!"

and the JavaScript would be

$.getJSON("statuswindow.php", function(data) {
var outString = data.outStr;
outString = outString.replace("{1}",capitalizeFL(raceV));
outString = outString.replace("{2}",capitalizeFL(clasV));
$("#topMenu").html(outString );

BUT the real issue is:

Why are you not doing all of this in PHP. There is no reason for JavaScript to do it.

No JavaScript needed!

$raceV = ucfirst($player->race);
$clasV = ucfirst($player->clas);
echo "You have chosen a " . $raceV. " " .$clasV ."!";

and the jQuery load would be the same


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