Getting the Object's Property Name

Getting the object's property name

Use Object.keys():

var myObject = { a: 'c', b: 'a', c: 'b' };var keyNames = Object.keys(myObject);console.log(keyNames); // Outputs ["a","b","c"]

How to get the property name of object and use that property name in javascript

The only error in your code is mapped_errors.{obj_key}.msg. You should be using [] to access the object's property value when you are using a variable to get the key name, as mapped_errors[obj_key].

var mapped_errors = { _id:   { location: 'body',     param: '_id',     value: 123,     msg: '_id is required and must be a string' } };
let obj_key = Object.keys(mapped_errors);console.log(mapped_errors[obj_key].msg);
mapped_errors = { _name: { location: 'body', param: '_name', value: 123, msg: '_name is required and must be a string' } } obj_key = Object.keys(mapped_errors);console.log(mapped_errors[obj_key].msg);

get an object's property name using its value

The following simple implementation will log the keys for apple in the console.

const alpha = {
a: 'apple',
b: 'bubble'

([key, value]) => {
if (value === 'apple'){

Get object property name as a string

Yes you can, with a little change.

function propName(prop, value){
for(var i in prop) {
if (prop[i] == value){
return i;
return false;

Now you can get the value like so:

 var pn = propName(person,person.first_name);
// pn = "first_name";

Note I am not sure what it can be used for.

Other Note wont work very well with nested objects. but then again, see the first note.

Get Property names From Objects | JavaScript

I am not sure what you want to get exactly. If you want to get the names of teh props from na object you can define a funciton like this.

function getPropNames(object) {
return Object.keys(object);

likewise you can get values or both too.

function getPropValues(object) {
return Object.values(object);

function getPropNamesAndValues(object) {
return Object.entries(object);

Javascript: Retrieve Object Property Names

Before we look at our options, a quick note of the four key things about properties in JavaScript:

  1. Objects can have properties of their own, and properties they inherit from their prototype object.
  2. Properties can be enumerable or non-enumerable.
  3. Properties can have names that are strings, or (as of ES2015/ES6) names that are Symbols.
  4. Properties cannot have names that are numbers, like 1. Sometimes we act like they do, as when we're dealing with arrays, but they don't. Standard arrays aren't really arrays at all (per the spec; JavaScript implementations are allowed to optimize when they can), and the entries in arrays are object properties whose names are strings. So a = ['x', 'y', 'z'] defines an array with three properties whose names are "0", "1", and "2". When we do a[0] to access the first one, the number 0 is converted to a string. (In theory; again, the JavaScript implementation is allowed to optimize.)

All of these properties can be discovered and enumerated (even the non-enumerable ones).
You have several options for doing so:

  • A for-in loop (spec | MDN), with or without a hasOwnProperty guard inside the loop to differentiate between "own" and inherited properties. (Does not include properties named with Symbols.) Loops through the names of the properties.
  • Object.keys (spec | MDN) (ES5+), which returns an array of the names of an object's own, enumerable properties. (Does not include properties named with Symbols.)
  • Object.getOwnPropertyNames (spec | MDN) (ES5+), which returns an array of the names of an object's own properties, regardless of whether they're enumerable. (Does not include properties named with Symbols.)
  • Reflect.enumerate (spec | MDN) (ES2015+), which returns an iterator for the names of the enumerable properties of an object, including ones it inherits. (Does not include properties named with Symbols.) It was removed in ES2016.
  • Object.getOwnPropertySymbols (spec | MDN) (ES2015+), which returns an array of the names of an object's own properties named with Symbols, regardless of whether they're enumerable. (Leaves out ones named with strings.)
  • Reflect.ownKeys (spec | MDN) (ES2015+), which returns an array of the names of an object's own properties no matter how they're named (Symbol or string), and whether they're enumerable or not.

As you can see, most of the operations only include properties whose names are strings, with only Object.getOwnPropertySymbols and Reflect.ownKeys giving us the ones named with Symbols.

The order of the keys is not defined (not even in ES2015) for for-in or Object.keys. In ES2015 and above, it is defined for the other four, by the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] and (where applicable) [[Enumerate]] operations. (Since ES2015 is still [as of this writing] relatively knew, it's possible not all JavaScript engines correctly implement the order yet.)

Let's look at examples. First, some setup:

// Create an object with one "own" property (plus the ones it
// inherits from Object.prototype):
var proto = {
one: 1

// Create an object that uses the above as its prototype
var obj = Object.create(proto);

// Add a couple of enumerable properties
obj.two = 2;
obj.three = 3;

// Add a non-enumerable property (by default, properties created
// with Object.defineProperty are non-enumerable)
Object.defineProperty(obj, "four", {
value: 4,
configurable: true,
writable: true

(Object.create was added in ES5, but the version of it taking just one argument [as above] can easily be shimmed/polyfilled for obsolete JavaScript engines, like the one in IE8. Object.defineProperty was also added in ES5, and cannot be correctly shimmed/polyfilled.)

Since most of the operations only involve properties named by strings, we're ignoring Symbols for now.

Once the code above runs, we have this in memory (the * next to a name indicates it's a non-enumerable property):

Object.prototype−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+−−>| toString* |−−>(...a function...)
| | valueOf* |−−>(...a function...)
| | hasOwnProperty* |−−>(...a function...)
| | ... |
| +−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+
+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+ |
proto−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+−−>| [[Prototype]] |−−+
| | one: 1 |
| +−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+
+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−+ |
obj−−>| [[Prototype]] |−−+
| two: 2 |
| three: 3 |
| four*: 4 |

With that setup, let's look at our options:


for-in loops through the names of all of an object's properties (including ones it inherits from its prototype) whose names are strings (leaving out any whose names are Symbols).

for (var name in obj) {
// name is the name of each property, so:
console.log(name + " = " + obj[name]);

// Create an object with one "own" property (plus the ones it// inherits from Object.prototype):var proto = {    one: 1}
// Create an object that uses the above as its prototypevar obj = Object.create(proto);
// Add a couple of enumerable propertiesobj.two = 2;obj.three = 3;
// Add a non-enumerable property (by default, properties created// with Object.defineProperty are non-enumerable)Object.defineProperty(obj, "four", { value: 4, configurable: true, writable: true});
for (var name in obj) { // name is the name of each property, so: console.log(name + " = " + obj[name]);}

Get Javascript Object Property Name

When you used grep you basically created a new array with the objects that has a name "Mike" and are below 50 or equal to 50.
In your case you can loop through your new array and print the key and value.

found_names.forEach(function (obj) {
console.log('Name: ' +;
console.log('Age: ' + obj.age);
console.log('Email: ' +;

If you want the index(key) you can also do

found_names.forEach(function (obj, index) {
console.log('Index: ' + index);
console.log('Name: ' +;
console.log('Age: ' + obj.age);
console.log('Email: ' +;

Edit 2 -

If you have a dynamic object where you don't know the keys you can use what Thiago suggested and tweaking it a bit. The example below would loop through every object then would go through its data.

found_names.forEach(function (obj) {
for(key in obj){
console.log(key + ': ' + obj[key]);

Another example would be using an array like object where you loop through an object like you are looping in an array.

found_names.forEach(function (obj, index, array) {
// data would be the current index

Here is an example on JSFiddle

Source for forEach Docs

Get object property name self reference

I am not even sure this is possible...

Good instinct! It isn't. When you do:


the value of the o.first property (1) is passed into q. Nothing about the object or its property is passed to q, just the value 1.

If you know what object the value came from, and if that object had only one property with a matching value, you could figure it out. But of course, one or both of those won't be true the vast majority of the time. In the general case, no, there's nothing to tell you that it came from o.first.

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