Unexpected JavaScript Date Behavior

Javascript - unexpected behavior in dates calculations

You call setDate, before you call getDate , therefore getDate will always return 365. Simply swapp it:

new Date((1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * today.getDate()) + today.setDate(365))

Or its may easier to work with months directly:

today.setMonth(today.getMonth() + 12);
var intwelvemonths = today;

unexpected javascript date behavior

.getMonth() is zero-based. as in 0=January and 11=December


var month=newDate.getMonth() + 1;

Javascript setDate() unexpected behaviour wrong month

setDate() and getDate() functions only refer to the day of the month. When you subtract 10 days from the d object it automatically sets the month too, so as July. But, when you set the date of defaultDate object, you only set the days(so the Month and day of week is not changed).

unexpected behavior in moment js when converting string to datetime in nodejs

As the documentation states:

By default, moment parses and displays in local time.

If you want to parse or display a moment in UTC, you can use
moment.utc() instead of moment().

so one possible approach would be to work in UTC and do:

const myDate2 = moment.utc('03/08/2017  01:00:01',  ['DD/MM/YYYY  hh:mm:ss'], true).toDate();
console.log(myDate2.getUTCMonth() + 1);

Note that in order to get the day number, one has to call getUTCDate, the getUTCDay/getDay returns the day of the week instead. Also, the month number returned by getMonth/getUTCMonth is in the range 0-11 so one has to increment the result by one.

Alternatively, one can work in local date and do:

const myDate1 = moment('03/08/2017  01:00:01',  ['DD/MM/YYYY  hh:mm:ss'], true).toDate();
console.log(myDate1.getMonth() + 1);

momentJs parse Date: Unexpected behaviour

A few things:

  • Do not pay attention to the _d field. Underscored fields are internal to moment's API, and may not always be what you expect. In many functions, it has to be evaluated in combination with other internal fields (such as _offset) in order to produce a valid output. Instead, use the various public functions, such as format, toDate, .valueOf, and others.

  • Recognize there are many difference between how the Date constructor parses strings and how moment's parsing functions work. Don't expect them to match.

  • When a string doesn't contain any time zone information, moment(...) will always treat it as local, while moment.utc(...) will treat it as UTC. (Your answer gives a good example of that.)

  • When the Date constructor is given a string, the format of the string can affect the interpretation significantly. The actual behavior can vary across implementations, but most current browsers will see the hyphens and the T as an indication that the string is in ISO8601 format. However without any trailing Z or offset, the ES5 spec says to interpret those as UTC. This has changed for ES6, which will treat those cases as local time - to better conform with the ISO8601 spec. Since it's not clear when various environments will start to implement this change, it's prudent to not rely on the Date constructor.

  • If you wanted the Date constructor to interpret your value as local time (with ES5), one approach is to use string replacements to remove the T and swap the hyphens (-) with slashes (/). This works in the majority of environments, though there is no specification around this. (I've been told it fails in some Safari browsers.) Really, I would just use Moment's parsing functions, and not rely on the Date constructor at all.

Similar Date Format produces unexpected date Javascript

The reason why you are seeing this is actually described on the Date.parse() page of MDN (where a lot of the details around officially-supported Date parameter formats are described). Specifically:

Differences in assumed time zone

Given a date string of "March 7, 2014", parse() assumes a local time zone, but given an ISO format such as "2014-03-07" it will assume a time zone of UTC (ES5 and ECMAScript 2015). Therefore Date objects produced using those strings may represent different moments in time depending on the version of ECMAScript supported unless the system is set with a local time zone of UTC. This means that two date strings that appear equivalent may result in two different values depending on the format of the string that is being converted.

So what you're seeing is a combination of two things:

  1. The constructor is reading your properly-formatted ISO date value as UTC, since no time zone is provided, and
  2. It is accurately identifying that your local computer timezone is U.S. Eastern, and adjusting the value appropriately.

As a result, you are seeing the U.S. Eastern Time zone version of midnight on January 1st, 2000, UTC time (or, 7 PM on December 31st, 1999).

Since your first example is using a non-standard format (from JS's point-of-view), the first assumption is not coming into play and the value is being created assuming the local timezone for the value (a browser-specific decision on how to handle a non-standard format).

JavaScript: unexpected result getting number of days remaining in the month

I believe I just stumbled on the answer - when specifying a date months are counted from 0 to 11, but days are still counted from 1 to 31. Therefore, specifying

Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, 0);

is basically shorthand for the last day of the current month. The next line is then redundant:

nxt.setDate(nxt.getDate() - 1);

This will give an incorrect result, as it basically decrements a second time. The problem is not with UTC/nonUTC, but rather incorrect day specification. Not sure if this shorthand could cause other problems further down the line though.

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