Jquery Change Event on an <Input> Element - Any Way to Retain Previous Value

jQuery Change event on an input element - any way to retain previous value?

A better approach is to store the old value using .data. This spares the creation of a global var which you should stay away from and keeps the information encapsulated within the element. A real world example as to why Global Vars are bad is documented here


//look no global needed:)

// Get the initial value
var $el = $('#myInputElement');
$el.data('oldVal', $el.val() );

//store new value
var $this = $(this);
var newValue = $this.data('newVal', $this.val());
// Get the value when input gains focus
var oldValue = $(this).data('oldVal');
<input id="myInputElement" type="text">

Input jQuery get old value before onchange and get value after on change

The simplest way is to save the original value using data() when the element gets focus. Here is a really basic example:

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/TrueBlueAussie/e4ovx435/

$('input').on('focusin', function(){
console.log("Saving value " + $(this).val());
$(this).data('val', $(this).val());

$('input').on('change', function(){
var prev = $(this).data('val');
var current = $(this).val();
console.log("Prev value " + prev);
console.log("New value " + current);

Better to use Delegated Event Handlers

Note: it is generally more efficient to use a delegated event handler when there can be multiple matching elements. This way only a single handler is added (smaller overhead and faster initialisation) and any speed difference at event time is negligible.

Here is the same example using delegated events connected to document:

$(document).on('focusin', 'input', function(){
console.log("Saving value " + $(this).val());
$(this).data('val', $(this).val());
}).on('change','input', function(){
var prev = $(this).data('val');
var current = $(this).val();
console.log("Prev value " + prev);
console.log("New value " + current);

JsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/TrueBlueAussie/e4ovx435/65/

Delegated events work by listening for an event (focusin, change etc) on an ancestor element (document* in this case), then applying the jQuery filter (input) to only the elements in the bubble chain then applying the function to only those matching elements that caused the event.

*Note: A a general rule, use document as the default for delegated events and not body. body has a bug, to do with styling, that can cause it to not get bubbled mouse events. Also document always exists so you can attach to it outside of a DOM ready handler :)

JQuery onChange get previous value

I'm thinking... Array in an object!

You could have an array defined in a javascript object

var inputObj = 
var index : -1; //When the input has nothing so far
var values : [];

And then everytime the input changes

$('#p1').on('change', function() { 
var cost = $('#p1_price').text();
var quantity = $('#p1').val();
var total = cost * quantity;
total = parseFloat(total).toFixed(2)
$('#total_price').text(+$('#total_price').html() + +cost);

//Add a new value to the array and refresh the index of the current value
inputObj.index = inputObj.values.length + 1;

And everytime you press the down button:

function pressDown()
inputObj.index = inputObj.index - 1;

how to get previous value of textbox in jquery on change event

You almost got this right, but you forgot to update the data-old in your code, below is an example and jsbin

 $(".whitebox").on('change', function (event) {
// on first change will be empty string
// as no previous value was set
var oldValue = event.target.dataset.old;
console.log('old value', oldValue);

// your code here

// at the end assign new value to data-old attribute
$(this).data('old', event.target.value);


jQuery: how to get new value, but not old value at on('save') event?

A div will never trigger a change event, as that's reserved for inputs the user can manipulate.

If you still want to listen to changes made to the inner HTML of a div, you can try the following, while that may not work in Internet Explorer or older browsers at all:

$(function() {
$('div.editable').on('DOMSubtreeModified'), function(e) {
console.log(e.target.getAttribute('data-pk')+' '+e.target.text+' '+e.target.getAttribute('name'));});

Be careful not to overwrite the div's content inside the event handler, or you will cause an infinite loop. I suggest expanding your knowledge on the DOMSubtreeModified event by reading, for example, the MDN article: link

How to get old Value with onchange() event in text box

element.defaultValue will give you the original value.

Please note that this only works on the initial value.

If you are needing this to persist the "old" value every time it changes, an expando property or similar method will meet your needs

jQuery change event logic on getting previous value?

Perhaps if you

  1. use prop
  2. do NOT remove the prop
  3. simplify your logic
  4. use a more recent version of jQuery

$(window).load(function() {  var $indicator = $("#indicator"); // if you have colons, use #mypage\\:indicator  var $reason = $("#reason");
// set the pre data, usually needed after you initialize the select element $indicator.data("prev", $indicator.val());
// Handle initial status of indicator, when page load, if it is 'N' disable // reason field, if it is 'Y' open reason field $reason.prop('disabled', $indicator.data("prev") == 'N');
// Handle change status of indicator, $indicator.on("change", function(data) { var jqThis = $(this);
// get changed data var after_change = jqThis.val();
// get the pre data (Question : I expect the pre data should be original page load value, but // seems it always the latest one before current value ?) // e.g when page load, indicator is 'N', user first change it to 'Y', then change back to 'N', but // the pre data value will be 'Y', not what I expect as original page load initial value 'N' // I use a pop up dialog to observe this issue.
var before_change = jqThis.data("prev");
// Debug console.log("before:", before_change);
// do your work here /* var dis = (before_change == 'N' && after_change == 'Y') || (before_change == 'Y' && after_change == 'N') || (before_change == 'Y' && after_change == 'Y') */ var dis = !(before_change == 'N' && after_change == 'N'); $reason.prop('disabled', dis);
// update the pre data jqThis.data("prev", after_change); });});
.htmlClass {  padding: 8px;  border: 1px solid blue;  margin-bottom: 8px;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script><form name="myform">  <div align="center">    <select id="indicator">      <option value="Y">Yes</option>      <option value="N">No</option>    </select>    <textarea id="reason">    </textarea></form>

Get previous value of dropdown after onchange event jQuery

Best way to do it by jquery :

var previous;
$("#Diabetes_UK_3147").on("focus click",function () {
previous = this.value; // Old vaue

}).change(function() {
var value = this.value; // New Value
$('span').text('Old Value : '+previous+' New Value : '+value)


here the fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/Laa2hL3b/

Edited : in auto-Generated dropdown you can add a custom class for example "myselectbox"

<select class="form-control  myselectbox"

and make change here

  $(".myselectbox").on(/* other code remain same */

Get the old value of a widget from onChange event?

What you need is watch(), it will give you both newValue and oldValue.

<script type="dojo/watch" data-dojo-prop="value" data-dojo-args="prop,oldValue,newValue">
document.getElementById("statusContainer").innerHTML = "Old Value: " + oldValue + ", New Value: " + newValue;

I have updated your fiddle here. Hope it helps.

FYI, your other solution won't work if I am using only keyboard (tabs to gain focus) and change the value.

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