How to Set Preview of Video File, Selecting from Input Type='File'

How can I set preview of multiple video file, by selecting from input type='file'

You should better use createObjectURL in this case.

document.querySelector("input[type=file]").onchange = function(event) {
var numberOfVideos =;
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfVideos; i++) {
var file =[i];
var blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
var video = document.createElement('video');
video.src = blobURL;
video.setAttribute("controls", "")
var videos = document.getElementById("videos");
video{width: 500px}
<input type="file" name="video" multiple>
<div id="videos"></div>

how to show preview of a video and an image selected using the same html input type=file

In order to display any <image> and <video> from using the same <input> button then you must dynamically create such elements as needed.

This means:

  • Detect what File type the user selected.
  • Create a Path to the selected File.
  • Create the relevant Element and set Path as .src input.
  • Remove any pre-existing Element from your container (usually a <div>).
  • .append the newly created Element for display on the page.

No JQuery but this is how you can achieve with regular JavaScript code :

  • I used your Div as the container (had to add an id="display-img-vid-con" for later reference with JS).
  • Added a style="" with absolute position to control the container's X/Y coords using top and left).

( ...experiment with it)

<!DOCTYPE html>

<!-- button for selecting image/video -->
<label for="inp-img-vid">
<span> Photos/Videos</span>
<input type="file" accept="image/*, video/*" name="img-vid" id="inp-img-vid">

<div class="display-img-vid-con" id="img-vid-con" style="top: 30px; left: 250px; position: absolute; z-index: 1" >

<!-- showing selected image here -->
<!-- showing selected video here -->




//$("#inp-img-vid").change( function(){ imgPreview(this); } );
document.getElementById("inp-img-vid").addEventListener("change", onFileSelected, false);

var tmpElement; //will be dynamically changed to Image or Video

var file, file_ext, file_path, file_type, file_name;

function show_Info_popUP()
alert("File is selected... " + "\n name : " + file_name + "\n type : " + file_type + "\n ext : " + file_ext );

function onFileSelected ( input )

//if(input.files && input.files[0])
if([0] )
file =[0]; // FileList object

file_ext; //# will extract file extension
file_type = file.type; file_name =;
file_path = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(file);

//# get file extension (eg: "jpg" or "jpeg" or "webp" etc)
file_ext = file_name.toLowerCase();
file_ext = file_ext.substr( (file_ext.lastIndexOf(".")+1), (file_ext.length - file_ext.lastIndexOf(".")) );

//# get file type (eg: "image" or "video")
file_type = file_type.toLowerCase();
file_type = file_type.substr( 0, file_type.indexOf("/") );

let reader = new FileReader();

//reader.onload = function(e)
reader.onloadend = function(evt)
//# POP-UP ...if you want to show (Alert box with) file details...

if ( == FileReader.DONE)
//# get container...
let container = document.getElementById("img-vid-con");

//# remove any already existing child element(s)
while (container.firstChild)
{ container.removeChild(container.firstChild); }

//# if IMAGE...
if ( file_type == "image" )
tmpElement = document.createElement( "img");
tmpElement.setAttribute("id", "preview-img");

//# if VIDEO...
if ( file_type == "video" )
tmpElement = document.createElement( "video");
tmpElement.setAttribute("id", "preview-vid");
tmpElement.setAttribute("controls", "true" );

tmpElement.addEventListener("loadeddata", () =>
//# what to do when some video data is loaded

if (tmpElement.readyState >= 3)
//# what to do when video's first frame is ready
tmpElement.muted = true; //# if you want silent preview;


//# finalise display size
tmpElement.width = 640; tmpElement.height = 400;

tmpElement.setAttribute("src", file_path);





Preview an image before it is uploaded

imgInp.onchange = evt => {
const [file] = imgInp.files
if (file) {
blah.src = URL.createObjectURL(file)
<form runat="server">
<input accept="image/*" type='file' id="imgInp" />
<img id="blah" src="#" alt="your image" />

How to preview a video before upload - vanilla JavaScript no third-party libraries

const load = (e) => {
let url = URL.createObjectURL(e.files[0])
let video = document.querySelector("#id");
video.setAttribute("src", url);
<input type="file" onChange="load(this)" />
<video width="320" height="240" controls id="id">


vanilla javascript preview video file before upload - NO JQUERY

Within change event handler of <input type="file"> element you can pass the File object to URL.createObjectURL() and set the .src of the <video> element to the resulting Blob URL.

.onchange = function(event) {
let file =[0];
let blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
document.querySelector("video").src = blobURL;

How to change video source with local file via API input type='file' tag...NO Jquery or external libraries

Edit, Updated

Substituted name of video upload handler playlocalVID for CangelocalVID ; document.getElementById('newlocalFILE').files[0] for document.getElementById('newlocalFILE').value ; tried with video "Science Commons" from Creative Commons - Science Commons ; appeared to upload , play video at jsfiddle from local upload

Try adjusting accept attribute at input element to video/* , utilizing Blob of File object to create objectURL from selectedLocalVID.files[0] to set src attribute of currentVID

function playlocalVID() {  var player = document.getElementById("videoPlayer");  var currentVID = document.getElementById("currentVID");  var selectedLocalVID = document.getElementById("newlocalFILE").files[0];  currentVID.setAttribute("src", URL.createObjectURL(selectedLocalVID));  player.load();;}
<div id="desired result" style="background-color:grey;">  <p>desired result</p>  <br>  <div id="selectFile">    <p>Change local VID:      <br>      <input id="newlocalFILE" name="localfile" size="50" maxlength="100000" accept="video/*" type="file" onchange="playlocalVID();">  </div>  <div>    <video muted controls id="videoPlayer">      <source id="currentVID" src="">    </video>  </div></div>

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