Javascript: How to Dynamically Create Nested Objects Using Object Names Given by an Array

Javascript: how to dynamically create nested objects using object names given by an array

function assign(obj, keyPath, value) {
lastKeyIndex = keyPath.length-1;
for (var i = 0; i < lastKeyIndex; ++ i) {
key = keyPath[i];
if (!(key in obj)){
obj[key] = {}
obj = obj[key];
obj[keyPath[lastKeyIndex]] = value;


var settings = {};
assign(settings, ['Modules', 'Video', 'Plugin'], 'JWPlayer');

Dynamically add nested object, allocate given value and add further object using object with key-value pairs

Similar to above answers, but might be easier to read for the user who asked the question.

Assuming you are using ES6, you can loop through an object using the Object.keys() function and .forEach.

Object.keys() will return an array of keys for an object, and you can call forEach() on that array.

var basis = { a: '1', b: '2', c: '3', d: '4' }

var nestedKeys = { a: 'e', b: 'f', c: 'g', d: 'h', e: 'i', f: 'j', g: 'k' }

Object.keys(basis).forEach(function (basisKey) {
Object.keys(nestedKeys).forEach(function (matchedKey) {
if (basisKey == matchedKey) {
basis[basisKey] = [{
[nestedKeys[matchedKey]] : basis[basisKey],
'date' :,

console.log(JSON.stringify(basis, null, 4));

How to dynamically add data from an array with objects to a nested array?

You can add the pattern and label in your forEach and any other logic that you might need to transform the data.

const data = [{key: 'firstName', pattern: "{{firstName}}", label: "First Name"}, 
{key: 'lastName', pattern: "{{lastName}}", label: "Last Name"},
{key: 'unsubscribeLink', pattern: "{{unsubscribeLink}}", label: "Unsubscribe Link"}

const transformDataToTagsObject = (dData) => {

const dynamicData = {};

dData.forEach((currentData, index) => {

const currentKey = currentData.key
const name = currentData.label
let value = currentData.pattern

if(currentData.key === 'unsubscribeLink'){
value = `<a href='${value}'>Unsubscribe</a>`

dynamicData[currentKey] = {


const tagsObject = {
tags: dynamicData
return tagsObject;

const finalResults = transformDataToTagsObject(data)


Final Object

How does this function create a nested object?

The difference is that you didn't save a variable with a reference to the original object. When you reassign obj, you no longer have a variable containing the parent.

When using the function, that variable is in the function caller. Reassigning the local variable obj has no effect on the caller's variable.

To emulate this in your manual steps, change the beginning to:

const original = {};
let obj = original;

This is analogous to the way the function parameter is passed.

Then at the very end, do


and you should see the whole object with all the nested properties added.

Dynamically set property of nested object

This function, using the arguments you specified, should add/update the data in the obj container. Note that you need to keep track of which elements in obj schema are containers and which are values (strings, ints, etc.) otherwise you will start throwing exceptions.

obj = {};  // global object

function set(path, value) {
var schema = obj; // a moving reference to internal objects within obj
var pList = path.split('.');
var len = pList.length;
for(var i = 0; i < len-1; i++) {
var elem = pList[i];
if( !schema[elem] ) schema[elem] = {}
schema = schema[elem];

schema[pList[len-1]] = value;

set('mongo.db.user', 'root');

Dynamically create nested javascript objects with the same key but different values from an array

Below code does what you want:

var data = [[{desc:"A", age:26}], [{desc:"B", age:12}], [{desc:"C", age:48}]]const value = data.reverse().reduce((acc, item) => {    return [{        ...item[0],        name: acc    }]});

Create a dynamic nested object from array of properties

You could use reduce:

var array = ['opt1','sub1','subsub1','subsubsub1'];var object = {};array.reduce(function(o, s) { return o[s] = {}; }, object);console.log(object);

How to simplify an array of objects with dynamic key names and a nested array into a simpler format?

Here's one way you could use a reducer to do it. It loops through the data array, taking each players object and combining it into the final array in the format you requested.

const reducer = (previousValue, currentValue,index) => {
let current = {}

currentValue.winRatio.forEach( (x, index) => {
current = previousValue[index] ?? { index };
current[] = x
previousValue[index] = current

return previousValue

data.reduce(reducer, [])

As to your two notes, the output is an array so it should know its index, but you could add a line to the forEach block in this example adding an index key/value pair if one doesn't exist yet as you loop through. For your second note, I'm not sure how to figure that out without just sorting the array (or going through it and noting the longest winRatio length) first, so I guess you could just do that.

Dynamically Change object value according to an Array of keyname in Javascript

it would be a setValue function.

const alfa = {};
const keyNames = ["bravo", "charlie"];

function setValue(target,keyPath,value){
[target,...keyNames].reduce((object,keyName) => {
if( keyName === keyPath[keyPath.length-1] ){
object[keyName] = value;

object[keyName] = object[keyName] || {};
return object[keyName]


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