Filter Array of Dates Between Two Dates

Filter Array in Array by date between 2 dates

You need to return the compairing value, either explicit

data.series = data.series.filter((item: any) => {
return >= fromDate.getTime() && <= toDate.getTime();

or without the brackets, implicit.

data.series = data.series.filter((item: any) => >= fromDate.getTime() && <= toDate.getTime()

Javascript filtering between dates to get records in specific date range

Your problem lies within the date-format you use to do the comparison.

Lets take for example this two dates:

  1. "10/31/2020"
  2. "11/30/2019"

A human can see that the date in 2020 is not smaller than the date in 2019, but for the if-comparison this:

if ("10/31/2020" <= "11/30/2019")

is the same as writing:

if ("10312020" <= "11302019")

You can try this in your browser console by typing

console.log("10/31/2020" <= "11/30/2019");

You should probably use a unix timestamp for date-comparison or use the y/m/d Format if you want to do a comparison with strings.

How can I filter an array of objects between two dates?

You might do as follows;

var data = [{ version: "3.1.1", released_on: "2016-08-21T00:00:00.000Z", high_vulns: 15, medium_vulns: 10, low_vulns: 5 },            { version: "3.1.1", released_on: "2011-08-21T00:00:00.000Z", high_vulns: 15, medium_vulns: 10, low_vulns: 5 },            { version: "3.1.1", released_on: "2009-08-21T00:00:00.000Z", high_vulns: 15, medium_vulns: 10, low_vulns: 5 },            { version: "3.1.1", released_on: "2006-08-21T00:00:00.000Z", high_vulns: 15, medium_vulns: 10, low_vulns: 5 },            { version: "3.1.1", released_on: "2013-08-21T00:00:00.000Z", high_vulns: 15, medium_vulns: 10, low_vulns: 5 },            { version: "3.1.1", released_on: "2017-08-21T00:00:00.000Z", high_vulns: 15, medium_vulns: 10, low_vulns: 5 },            { version: "3.1.1", released_on: "2015-08-21T00:00:00.000Z", high_vulns: 15, medium_vulns: 10, low_vulns: 5 },           ],      ed = new Date("2016-08-21T00:00:00.000Z").getTime(),      sd = new Date("2010-08-21T00:00:00.000Z").getTime(),  result = data.filter(d => {var time = new Date(d.released_on).getTime();                             return (sd < time && time < ed);                            });console.log(result);

PHP: Return all dates between two dates in an array

You could also take a look at the DatePeriod class:

$period = new DatePeriod(
new DateTime('2010-10-01'),
new DateInterval('P1D'),
new DateTime('2010-10-05')

Which should get you an array with DateTime objects.

To iterate

foreach ($period as $key => $value) {

Problem filtering Array in Array by date between 2 dates

According to the comment section of problem,

  • filter() method doesn't modify the original array. instead, it creates a new one.

  • this.orders = this.orders.filter() will be caused to lose original array. Therefore, you need to store it in different variable before. (Ex: this.originalOrders)

  • Then this.originalOrders can be used for filtering,

filterByDate(d) {
this.orders = this.originalOrders.filter(
(element) =>
element.order.orderdate >= d[0] &&
element.order.orderdate <= d[1]


Filtering date between two dates in javascript

The better way always to use library like date-fns or moment.js. Using vanilla approach. You can convert date in timestamp. I am assuming you are getting these date:

var startDate = "01.07.2020";
var endDate = "18.08.2020";

const detailedData = [{date:"01.07.2020"},{date:"20.07.2020"},{date:"25.07.2020"},{date:"01.08.2020"},{date:"18.08.2020"},{date:"01.09.2020"},{date:"01.10.2020"}]

const filteredDate = detailedData.filter(item => {
let itemDate ='.').reverse().join("-")
let startDateModified = startDate.split('.').reverse().join("-")
let endDateModified = endDate.split('.').reverse().join("-")
return (new Date(itemDate).getTime() >= new Date(startDateModified).getTime() && new Date(itemDate).getTime() <= new Date(endDateModified).getTime());

Filter an ArrayList to between two dates

From the stream of receipts, you need to filter the elements based on dates (i.e. not before date1 and not after date2), sort the resulting stream, collect it into a List and return the same.


  1. Parse the date stings using DateTimeFormatter.
  2. Create a stream from receipts and apply filter with the required criteria.
  3. Sort the resulting stream.
  4. Collect the resulting stream into a List and return the same.


public List<Receipts> sortListByDate(String date1, String date2, List<Receipts> receipts) {
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MM-yyyy");
LocalDate localDate1 = LocalDate.parse(date1, formatter);
LocalDate localDate2 = LocalDate.parse(date2, formatter);

.filter(e -> !LocalDate.parse(, formatter).isBefore(localDate1)
&& !LocalDate.parse(, formatter).isAfter(localDate2))

Filter array of dates

You could just filter the values with a trimmed min and max value.