Angular - Displaying Object Within Object in Json

Displaying Objects Inside JSON Object in Angular

Please try like this . In the template you can keyvalue pipe . using this pipe you can access the key and value of the objects item1 and item2.

characters2 = {
characters2: [
campaign: "Menagerie Coast",
index: 1,
name: "Mark Whithershmitz",
portrait: "assets/pics/markW.jpg",
affiliation: "Kryn Dynasty",
class: "Wizard - Bladesinger",
list1: {
Swords: ["McClane: Moon-Glow Scimitar", "Carver: Shadow Sword"]
list2: { "Remarks about his Race": "5" },
title1a: "Sword Count",
title1b: "2",
title1c: "fa fa-robot",
title2a: "Kills",
title2b: "0",
title2c: "fas fa-skull-crossbones",
title3a: "Magic Sword",
title3b: "None",
title3c: "fas fa-dumpster-fire"
campaign: "Menagerie Coast",
index: 2,
name: "The Hermit II",
portrait: "assets/pics/theHermit2.jpg",
affiliation: "None?",
class: "Rogue/Mastermind",
list1: { "Bag of Animal Cotton?": ["Lion x 2", "Goat"] },
list2: [],
title1a: "Bar Fights",
title1b: "0",
title1c: "fas fa-beer",
title2a: "Kills",
title2b: "0",
title2c: "fas fa-skull-crossbones",
title3a: "Badassery",
title3b: "Medium",
title3c: "far fa-laugh-beam"

<div *ngFor="let character of characters2.characters2">
<div *ngFor="let item of character.list1 |keyvalue">
<span>{{item.key}}</span> : <span>{{item.value}}</span>

<div *ngFor="let item of character.list2 |keyvalue">
<span>{{item.key}}</span> : <span>{{item.value}}</span>

Best way to display a list within a json object via Angular

Can you please try this code snipped

then(response => {
this.json = response;

Angular get Json Object and display it with HTML

I finally could solve this. This is my service

getCart(): Observable<Cart[]> {

return this.http.get<Cart[]>(this.myAppUrl + this.myApiUrl);

this is my component:

my_data: any;

public loadCart() {

this.cart_Service.getCart().subscribe((data: Cart[]) => this.my_data = data);

this is my HTML:

<p> Grand Total : {{ my_data.grandTotal }} </p>

How display object in angular?

1. Concatenate string and object in controller

You need to use comma instead of plus to log the object in the controller.

console.log("InstanceId is: ", InstanceId)

instead of

console.log("InstanceId is: " + InstanceId)

2. Render object property in the template

The hyphen in the property must obfuscate for the template rendered to access it. You could use bracket notation instead of dot notation here.

<td>{{ Instance Id["case-id"]}}</td>

instead of

<td>{{ Instance}}</td>

Display nested JSON file in Angular

you just nest ngFor...

<p>list works!</p>
<ul *ngFor="let product of arrProducts">
<li>{{ product.produkt }}</li>
<li *ngFor="let info of product.produktinformation">{{ info.artikelnr }}</li>

Display nested Json in Angular component

You can use {{}} to access the name property:

<div *ngFor="let obcategories of users | keyvalue">
<div *ngFor="let obcategory of obcategories.value | keyvalue">
<div *ngFor="let nestedobcategory of obcategory.value | keyvalue">

Working Demo

Best way to display a json object in a json object in Angular 2 release 6

How about simply

{{ yourObject | json }}

Running example here:

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