Div Square, Width Size Based on 100% Height

Div Square, width size based on 100% height

Ok here the solution.

<div id="square" style="background-color:black;height:100%">test</div>


function updateWidth()
var square = $('#square');
var size = square.height();



Square div with width based on percentage height

In CSS set the height of the div also


html,body,#square { height:100%; }


then the reverse for your js function

function updateWidth()
var square = $('#square');
var size = square.height();


Demo courtesy of wared - jsfiddle.net/wared/spSLP - - nice one, wared

How to style a div to be a responsive square?

Works on almost all browsers.

You can try giving padding-bottom as a percentage.

<div style="height:0;width:20%;padding-bottom:20%;background-color:red">
Content goes here

The outer div is making a square and inner div contains the content. This solution worked for me many times.

Here's a jsfiddle

Css div responsive square dependent on height

Aspect ratio can be controlled by using the padding-bottom trick.

Note however that this technique means that you cannot have additional inline content inside the child div.

div.parent {  width: 80%;  background: #c0ffee;  margin: 25px auto;}.parent >div {  width: 49%;  padding-bottom: 49%;  background: #000;}
<div class="parent">  <div></div></div>

Make a div square when there is a dynamically changing width based on percentage

This is un-tested, I do not know of how to do this in CSS only, I would use jQuery.


CSS square based on height

You could use the new viewport size units



html,body {
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
div {
background: red;
height: 100vh;
box-sizing: border-box;

Support is effectively IE9 and up

How to make square div fit into parent div

Add a mediaquery to limit width and height of the element if you are looking at the viewport in landscape mode

@media all and (orientation: landscape) {
div.stretchy-wrapper {
width: calc(100vh - 20px);
height: calc(100vh - 20px);
padding-bottom: 0;

In other words: if the width of the viewport is height, to ensure a 1:1 aspect ratio you could set the width equal to 100vh (minus some padding, if you need to) and the height should be equal to the width. Also the padding-bottom is no longer necessary when this condition occurres.

Jsfiddle fork

After your edit

Since your outercontainer is fixed in height, if the viewport width is ≥ 200px then set a fixed width and a fixed height both to 200px. otherwise use a psuedoelement to preserve the 1:1 aspect ratio:

    div.stretchy-wrapper::before {      display: block;      content: "";      padding-bottom: 100%;    }
@media all and (min-width: 200px) { div.stretchy-wrapper { width: 200px; height: 200px; } div.stretchy-wrapper::before { display: none; } } .outercontainer { max-width: 400px; height: 200px; border: 1px #9cb dashed; } .stretchy-wrapper { background: #9bc; }
<div class="outercontainer">  <div class="stretchy-wrapper"></div></div>

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