Convert String to Title Case With JavaScript

Javascript - Adjusting string to title case logic

letterToCapitalize finds the first occurrence of [a-zA-Z0-9_] in each word you're trying to capitalize (the first suitable letter of).

In your code, you must remember that .replace(...) actually returns a brand new string. It does not modify the string in place (in JavaScript, primitive data-types, of which strings are one, are not modifiable). The problem was you weren't assigning this new string to a variable that you were logging out.

let title = "Adjusting the title (case and test) on tv"

let titleCase = title.toLowerCase().split(' ').map((s) => {
let letterToCapitalize = s.match(/\w/)[0];
return s.replace(letterToCapitalize, letterToCapitalize.toUpperCase())
}).join(' ');

titleCase = titleCase.replace(/and/ig, '&').replace("Tv", "TV");


Convert string to title case with exceptions for articles (a, an, the..etc)

The Array.includes(String) function returns if the string is a part of the array.

This should work,

for(i = 0; i < splitStr.length; i++) { 
// Check if our word is a part of the exceptions list
if(i>0 && exceptions.includes(splitStr[i]))
// if it's an exception skip the capatilization

splitStr[i] = splitStr[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + splitStr[i].substring(1);

Credit for i>0 condition goes to @Ringo, i didn't think about that before. He's right that first word should always be capitalized regardless.

Converting snake case string to title case

Another plain regex version:

const titleCase = (s) =>
s.replace(/^_*(.)|_+(.)/g, (s, c, d) => c ? c.toUpperCase() : ' ' + d.toUpperCase())

console .log (titleCase ('big_animal'))
console .log (titleCase ('_big_animal___with_more_Nodes'))

Convert camelCaseText to Title Case Text

const text = 'helloThereMister';
const result = text.replace(/([A-Z])/g, " $1");
const finalResult = result.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + result.slice(1);

JavaScript titleCase function without regex

You will need to do an assignment for your string, so the first capital letter then the rest of the string as a lowercase:

strAr[i] = strAr[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + strAr[i].substring(1).toLowerCase();   

Note the value strAr[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() will only return the first character as a capital letter, it will not actually change the string in any way.

Here is a simple example

Convert string to title case after dash or slash

Just change your capture of whitespace \s, to be a class of characters being whitespace, a hyphen or a slash [\s-/] (and anything else you want)

function toTitleCase(str) {

return str.toLowerCase().replace(/(?:^|[\s-/])\w/g, function (match) {

return match.toUpperCase();



console.log(toTitleCase("test here"));



Convert string to sentence case in javascript

Try this, It will work fine for you. It will also work for String having leading spaces.

var string="hi all, this is derp. thank you all to answer my query.";
var n=string.split(".");
var vfinal=""
var spaceput=""
var spaceCount=n[i].replace(/^(\s*).*$/,"$1").length;
var newstring=n[i].charAt(n[i]).toUpperCase() + n[i].slice(1);
spaceput=spaceput+" ";
vfinal=vfinal.substring(0, vfinal.length - 1);

Javascript - Convert string title-case with hyphen in title

let secondTitle = "Retail sales - online order";

let secondCase = secondTitle.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function (s) {
return s.toUpperCase();


Most efficient way to turn all caps into title case with JS or JQuery?

You could match consecutive word characters, and use a replacer function to replace with the first character (as-is), followed by the rest with toLowerCase() called on them:


const output = text.replace(


(_, firstChar, rest) => firstChar + rest.toLowerCase()



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