(1, Eval)('This') VS Eval('This') in JavaScript

(1, eval)('this') vs eval('this') in JavaScript?

The difference between (1,eval) and plain old eval is that the former is a value and the latter is an lvalue. It would be more obvious if it were some other identifier:

var x;
x = 1;
(1, x) = 1; // syntax error, of course!

That is (1,eval) is an expression that yields eval (just as say, (true && eval) or (0 ? 0 : eval) would), but it's not a reference to eval.

Why do you care?

Well, the Ecma spec considers a reference to eval to be a "direct eval call", but an expression that merely yields eval to be an indirect one -- and indirect eval calls are guaranteed to execute in global scope.

Things I still don't know:

  1. Under what circumstance does a direct eval call not execute in global scope?
  2. Under what circumstance can the this of a function at global scope not yield the global object?

Some more information can be gleaned here.


Apparently, the answer to my first question is, "almost always". A direct eval executes from the current scope. Consider the following code:

var x = 'outer';
(function() {
var x = 'inner';
eval('console.log("direct call: " + x)');
(1,eval)('console.log("indirect call: " + x)');

Not surprisingly (heh-heh), this prints out:

direct call: inner
indirect call: outer


After more experimentation, I'm going to provisionally say that this cannot be set to null or undefined. It can be set to other falsy values (0, '', NaN, false), but only very deliberately.

I'm going to say your source is suffering from a mild and reversible cranio-rectal inversion and might want to consider spending a week programming in Haskell.

return this || (0,eval)('this');

It's getting a reference to the global object, in order to assign doT to it. This is generally done because with a JavaScript library/framework/etc, its one global identifier needs to be exposed to the outside world.

As for why it's not simply window.doT = doT;, it's because the global object isn't always window, for example, in a non-browser environment. It's also possible to have window assigned to somewhere else at the point this code is executed.

How it works

If this is already truthy, for example, an object such as window, it will return that. It's likely it will be window (at least in the browser), as a plain function call should have its ThisBinding set to the global object. Otherwise, it will execute eval() in the global scope because an indirect call to eval() will set its scope to global, as opposed to the calling environment's scope.

To achieve an indirect call, you have to invoke eval() indirectly, i.e. you can't just call it with eval(). You can use (0, eval) to invoke it. This relies on the comma operator returning the last evaluated expression, in this case eval. It doesn't matter what the preceding operands are. Similarly, (0||eval)() would work.

As for why the body is this, that is the argument to eval(), that is the code to be executed as a string. It will return the this in the global scope, which is always the global object.

It's not really relevant nowadays, but in older IEs, you'd need to use execScript() to execute code in the global scope. I can't remember exactly what versions of IE this was necessary for.

What does (0, eval) () do?

Actually, just see (1,eval)('this') vs eval('this') in JavaScript?, which I've now voted as a duplicate:

.. the Ecma spec considers a reference to eval to be a "direct eval call", but an expression that merely yields eval to be an indirect one -- and indirect eval calls are guaranteed to execute in global scope.

(While the following is [mostly] true, it is not specific to eval usage.)

The comma operator evaluates all the expressions and yields the value of the last expression.

That is, (0, eval) evaluates to eval (which is a function-object value), such that the resulting expression is equivalent to eval('this').

To see it another way:

var f = (0, eval)
f === eval // true

Why Javascript Eval is slower, when it shouldn't be

eval is basically unoptimizable because the compiler doesn't know what it's doing. Even if you save it into a function, the compiler has to opt out a lot of optimizations, because changing your code in a certain way might break the eval function.

This is why, usually, when you need to do an eval, you do it in another function : that way, the compiler can be sure you didn't modify local scope in the eval, and optimizes a lot better.

JS VMs are really a lot about heuristics. They try to guess what you want to do, and optimize for the general case. eval (or new Function) prevent them to do a lot of that.

Function.new might be a little faster, because the compiler will know it won't try to modify the scope.

ALSO ! Note that eval might act a little differently than what you're used to. For example, eval('a') and (0, eval)('a') are not the same :

I'll demonstrate it with this

window.a = 5;
void function () {
var a = 1;
eval('a = 2');

This will print 1 then 5

window.a = 5;
void function () {
var a = 1;
(0,eval)('a = 2'); // <- this line has changed

Whereas, this will print 1 then 2.

You can also read this : Global eval, what are the options.

Function Constructor vs eval

That means essentially what new Function('...') and eval('...') work in a similar way, in the sense that they will evaluate the string in the argument as a JS expression. However, they have different scoping rules:

  • new Function() only has access to the global scope
  • eval() has access to the local scope

An example will be this:

  • You create a function, say f, which is new Function('console.log(x)'), and then invoke it. Regardless of which scope f() is called, it will always log the value of x on the global scope
  • You have eval('console.log(x)'). The value of x is dependent on the scope eval() is in:

const x = 'global x';const f = new Function('console.log(x)');
f(); // logs 'global x'eval('console.log(x)'); // logs 'global x'
// Let's create a function scopefunction test() { const x = 'local x'; const f = new Function('console.log(x)');
f(); // logs 'global x' eval('console.log(x)'); // logs 'local x';}test();

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