Uploading of PDF File

Material-UI: Upload PDF file

Looks like your Input HTML element is set to accept="image/*"

Instead you should have it accept pdf format like this <input type="file" accept="application/pdf">


Similar question answered here

How to upload PDF file using request POST method and requests must be formatted as multipart MIME using python for xeroAPI?

As I see you're improperly set the boundary. You set it in the headers but not tell to requests library to use custom boundary. Let me show you an example:

>>> import requests
>>> post_url = 'https://api.xero.com/files.xro/1.0/Files/'
>>> files = {'file': open('/tmp/test.txt', 'rb')}
>>> headers = {
... 'Authorization': 'Bearer secret',
... 'Xero-tenant-id': '42',
... 'Accept': 'application/json',
... 'Content-type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=JLQPFBPUP0',
... 'Content-Length': '1068',
... }
>>> print(requests.Request('POST', post_url, files=files, headers=headers).prepare().body.decode('utf8'))
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="test.txt"


As you can see the real boundary (f3e21ca5e554dd96430f07bb7a0d0e77) is different from what was passed in the header (JLQPFBPUP0).

You can actually directly use the requests module to controll boundary like this:

Let's prepare a test file:

$ touch /tmp/test.txt
$ echo 'Hello, World!' > /tmp/test.txt

Test it:

>>> import requests
>>> post_url = 'https://api.xero.com/files.xro/1.0/Files/'
>>> files = {'file': open('/tmp/test.txt', 'rb')}
>>> headers = {
... 'Authorization': 'Bearer secret',
... 'Xero-tenant-id': '42',
... 'Accept': 'application/json',
... 'Content-Length': '1068',
... }
>>> body, content_type = requests.models.RequestEncodingMixin._encode_files(files, {})
>>> headers['Content-type'] = content_type
>>> print(requests.Request('POST', post_url, data=body, headers=headers).prepare().body.decode('utf8'))
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="test.txt"

Hello, World!


>>> headers['Content-type']
'multipart/form-data; boundary=db57d23ff5dee7dc8dbab418e4bcb6dc'

Here boundary is the same as in the header.

Another alternative is using requests-toolbelt; below example taken from this GitHub issue thread:

from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder

fields = {
# your multipart form fields

m = MultipartEncoder(fields, boundary='my_super_custom_header')
r = requests.post(url, headers={'Content-Type': m.content_type}, data=m.to_string())

But it is better not to pass bundary by hand at all and entrust this work to the requests library.


A minimal working example using Xero Files API and Python request:

from os.path import abspath
import requests

access_token = 'secret'
tenant_id = 'secret'

filename = abspath('./example.png')

post_url = 'https://api.xero.com/files.xro/1.0/Files'
files = {'filename': open(filename, 'rb')}
values = {'name': 'Xero'}

headers = {
'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}',
'Xero-tenant-id': f'{tenant_id}',
'Accept': 'application/json',

response = requests.post(

assert response.status_code == 201

How can upload word or pdf file in django

Check file upload in the documentation

Uploading a PDF File From Swift Yields a Blank PDF

I figured it out, since I am using AWS specifically API Gateway and Lambda I needed to add the "Binary Media Type" to API Gateway. To do this I opened Api Gateway console and choose my API. Then, selected Settings and added the following types.

Image of Binary Media Types Added

I did a redeploy of my api and everything worked perfect, so in the end it was not a code problem but configuration mistake on AWS.

This blog post was very helpful:
AWS SAM Configuration for API Gateway Binary Response / Payloads

Thanks for your help everyone.

Pre-uploading pdf-files to Firebase

As other have commented, uploading files is best done to Cloud Storage which can also be access as part of Firebase.

To implement your scenario, you can upload the files through the Firebase console, and then set the security rules to determine who can access those files either to allow only reads, or to not even allow those and instead use download URLs to access them.

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