Converting Stream of Int's to Char's in Java

Converting stream of int's to char's in java

If you're trying to convert a stream into text, you need to be aware of which encoding you want to use. You can then either pass an array of bytes into the String constructor and provide a Charset, or use InputStreamReader with the appropriate Charset instead.

Simply casting from int to char only works if you want ISO-8859-1, if you're reading bytes from a stream directly.

EDIT: If you are already using a Reader, then casting the return value of read() to char is the right way to go (after checking whether it's -1 or not)... but it's normally more efficient and convenient to call read(char[], int, int) to read a whole block of text at a time. Don't forget to check the return value though, to see how many characters have been read.

How to convert IntStream into ListCharacter?

You may map each int to a char then collect into a list, this will result in a list of character given by their ASCII code

List<Character> r = IntStream.range(50, 80).mapToObj(a -> (char) a).collect(Collectors.toList());
System.out.println(r); // [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O]

How to convert Stream of Characters into a String in Java 8

Refer to @jubobs solution link. That is, you could do it this way in your case:

Stream<Character> testStream = Stream.of('a', 'b', 'c');

String result = testStream.collect(Collector.of(

This is more performant then map/castping each character to a String first and then joining, as StringBuilder#append(char c) will cut out that intermediate step.

Convert a String to a java.util.StreamCharacter

You can use chars() method provided in CharSequence and since String class implements this interface you can access it.
The chars() method returns an IntStream , so you need to cast it to (char) if you will like to convert IntStream to Stream<Character>


public class Foo {

public static void main(String[] args) {
String x = "new";

Stream<Character> characters = x.chars().mapToObj(i -> (char) i);

How to convert a stream of Character into array of Character using stream functions in java

static public void reverseString(char[] s) {
Character[] upperCaseArray = IntStream.range(0, s.length)
.mapToObj(index -> s[index])

Why is String.chars() a stream of ints in Java 8?

As others have already mentioned, the design decision behind this was to prevent the explosion of methods and classes.

Still, personally I think this was a very bad decision, and there should, given they do not want to make CharStream, which is reasonable, different methods instead of chars(), I would think of:

  • Stream<Character> chars(), that gives a stream of boxes characters, which will have some light performance penalty.
  • IntStream unboxedChars(), which would to be used for performance code.

However, instead of focusing on why it is done this way currently, I think this answer should focus on showing a way to do it with the API that we have gotten with Java 8.

In Java 7 I would have done it like this:

for (int i = 0; i < hello.length(); i++) {

And I think a reasonable method to do it in Java 8 is the following:

.mapToObj(i -> (char)i)

Here I obtain an IntStream and map it to an object via the lambda i -> (char)i, this will automatically box it into a Stream<Character>, and then we can do what we want, and still use method references as a plus.

Be aware though that you must do mapToObj, if you forget and use map, then nothing will complain, but you will still end up with an IntStream, and you might be left off wondering why it prints the integer values instead of the strings representing the characters.

Other ugly alternatives for Java 8:

By remaining in an IntStream and wanting to print them ultimately, you cannot use method references anymore for printing:

.forEach(i -> System.out.println((char)i));

Moreover, using method references to your own method do not work anymore! Consider the following:

private void print(char c) {

and then


This will give a compile error, as there possibly is a lossy conversion.


The API was designed this way because of not wanting to add CharStream, I personally think that the method should return a Stream<Character>, and the workaround currently is to use mapToObj(i -> (char)i) on an IntStream to be able to work properly with them.

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