What Does It Mean When They Say Http Is Stateless

what does it mean when they say http is stateless

HTTP -- that is the actual transport protocol between the server and the client -- is "stateless" because it remembers nothing between invocations. EVERY resource that is accessed via HTTP is a single request with no threaded connection between them. If you load a web page with an HTML file that within it contains three <img> tags hitting the same server, there will be four TCP connections negotiated and opened, four data transfers, four connections closed. There is simply no state kept at the server at the protocol level that will have the server know anything about you as you come in.

(Well, that's true for HTTP up to 1.0 at any rate. HTTP 1.1 adds persistent connection mechanisms of various sorts because of the inevitable performance problems that a truly stateless protocol engenders. We'll overlook this for the moment because they don't really make HTTP stateful, they just make it dirty-stateless instead of pure-stateless.)

To help you understand the difference, imagine that a protocol like Telnet or SSH were stateless. If you wanted to get a directory listing of a remote file, you would have to, as one atomic operation, connect, sign in, change to the directory and issue the ls command. When the ls command finished displaying the directory contents, the connection would close. If you then wanted to display the contents of a specific file you would have to again connect, sign in, change to the directory and now issue the cat command. When the command displaying the file finished, the connection would again close.

When you look at it that way, though the lens of Telnet/SSH, that sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it? Well, in some ways it is and in some ways it isn't. When a protocol is stateless, the server can do some pretty good optimizations and the data can be spread around easily. Servers using stateless protocols can scale very effectively, so while the actual individual data transfers can be very slow (opening and closing TCP connections is NOT cheap!) an overall system can be very, very efficient and can scale to any number of users.


Almost anything you want to do other than viewing static web pages will involve sessions and states. When HTTP is used for its original purpose (sharing static information like scientific papers) the stateless protocol makes a lot of sense. When you start using it for things like web applications, online stores, etc. then statelessness starts to be a bother because these are inherently stateful activities. As a result people very rapidly came up with ways to slather state on top of the stateless protocol. These mechanisms have included things like cookies, like encoding state in the URLs and having the server dynamically fire up data based on those, like hidden state requests, like ... well, like a whole bunch of things up to and including the more modern things like Web Sockets.

Here are a few links you can follow to get a deeper understanding of the concepts:

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stateless_server
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_persistent_connection

Why is it said that HTTP is a stateless protocol?

Even though multiple requests can be sent over the same HTTP connection, the server does not attach any special meaning to their arriving over the same socket. That is solely a performance thing, intended to minimize the time/bandwidth that'd otherwise be spent reestablishing a connection for each request.

As far as HTTP is concerned, they are all still separate requests and must contain enough information on their own to fulfill the request. That is the essence of "statelessness". Requests will not be associated with each other absent some shared info the server knows about, which in most cases is a session ID in a cookie.

The meaning of 'stateless' in rest and Http

Does the word 'stateless' means the same thing in both REST and HTTP?


The reason that they are the same is that HTTP is a consequence of REST.

Since 1994, the REST architectural style has been used to guide the design and development of the architecture for the modern Web -- Fielding, 2000.

Prior to his dissertation, Fielding was an author of RFC 2068 and RFC 2616.

Just for clarification, could you tell me what '"the principles that are now called REST were refined through Fielding's work on HTTP.' means?

Section One of Reflections on the REST Architectural Style includes a timeline: the first implementations of HTTP were in 1990-91, Fielding started participating in 1993. During the specification process (RFC 1945, RFC 2068, RFC 2616) Fielding developed an "HTTP Object Model" that later came to be understood as the "REST Architectural Style".

The first edition of REST was developed between October 1994 and August 1995, primarily as a means for communicating Web concepts as we wrote the HTTP/1.0 specification and the initial HTTP/1.1 proposal. -- Fielding

Which is to say, the ideas of REST evolved in parallel with the standardization of HTTP, to serve as an oracle: how can we evaluate whether a proposal will damage or destroy the important properties of the web?

Section 6.3.4 of the thesis describes the consequences of some mismatches that were standardized.

meaning of web is stateless and http is statless protocol?

Stateless meaning:

It does not keep track of configuration settings, transaction information or any other data for the next session. When a program "does not maintain state" (is stateless) or when the infrastructure of a system prevents a program from maintaining state, it cannot take information about the last session into the next, such as settings the user chose or conditions that arose during processing.


The HTTP protocol, which is the communications vehicle for Web transactions, is stateless. After a Web page is delivered to the user, the connection is closed. Counter measures, such as the use of cookies, have been developed to maintain the state of a user moving from page to page on a Web site.

OR it can be simple web definition:

A protocol is stateless if there is no relation between subsequent request-response pairs. The server can handle each request uniquely and does not have to keep a session state for the client.

HTTP is statel-less,so what does it mean by keep-alive?

This means it is OK to keep the connection open to ask for more resources like for example images and stylesheets.

Is HTTP/2 a stateless protocol?

HTTP/2 is stateless.

Original HTTP is a stateless protocol, meaning that each request message can be understood in isolation. This means that every request needs to bring with it as much detail as the server needs to serve that request, without the server having to store a lot of info and meta-data from previous requests.

Since HTTP/2 doesn't change this paradigm, it has to work the same way, stateless.

It's clearly visible from official RFCs as well. It is stated:

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. It is a generic, stateless, protocol which can be used for many tasks...

and the definition of HTTP/2 says:

This specification describes an optimized expression of the semantics of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), referred to as HTTP version 2 (HTTP/2)... This specification is an alternative to, but does not obsolete, the HTTP/1.1 message syntax. HTTP's existing semantics remain unchanged.


HTTP/2 protocol is stateless by design, as semantics remain unchanged in comparison to original HTTP.

From where confusion may come

An HTTP/2 connection is an application-layer protocol running on top of a TCP connection (BTW, nothing stops you to use HTTP over UDP for example, it's possible, but UDP is not used because it is not a "reliable transport"). Don't mix it with session and transport layers. HTTP protocol is stateless by design.
HTTP over an encrypted SSL/TLS connection, also changes nothing to this statement, as S in HTTPS is concerned with the transport, not the protocol itself.

HPACK, Header Compression for HTTP/2, is a compression format especially crafted for HTTP/2 headers, and it is being specified in a separate internet draft. It doesn't change HTTP/2 itself, so it doesn't change the semantics.

In RFC for HTTP/2 in section about HPACK they state:

Header compression is stateful. One compression context and one
decompression context are used for the entire connection.

And here's why from HPACK's RFC:

2.2. Encoding and Decoding Contexts

To decompress header blocks, a decoder only needs to maintain a
dynamic table (see Section 2.3.2) as a decoding context. No other
dynamic state is needed.

When used for bidirectional communication, such as in HTTP, the
encoding and decoding dynamic tables maintained by an endpoint are
completely independent, i.e., the request and response dynamic tables
are separate.

HPACK reduces the length of header field encoding by exploiting the
redundancy inherent in protocols like HTTP. The ultimate goal of
this is to reduce the amount of data that is required to send HTTP
requests or responses.

An HPACK implementation cannot be completely stateless, because the encoding and decoding tables, completely independent, have to be maintained by an endpoint.

At the same time, there are libraries, which try to solve HPACK issues, for example, a stateless event-driven HPACK codec CASHPACK:

An HPACK implementation cannot be completely stateless, because a dynamic table needs to be maintained. Relying on the assumption that HTTP/2 will always decode complete HPACK sequences, statelessness is achieved using an event-driven API.

If REST applications are supposed to be stateless, how do you manage sessions?

The fundamental explanation is:

No client session state on the server.

By stateless it means that the server does not store any state about the client session on the server side.

The client session is stored on the client. The server is stateless means that every server can service any client at any time, there is no session affinity or sticky sessions. The relevant session information is stored on the client and passed to the server as needed.

That does not preclude other services that the web server talks to from maintaining state about business objects such as shopping carts, just not about the client's current application/session state.

The client's application state should never be stored on the server, but passed around from the client to every place that needs it.

That is where the ST in REST comes from, State Transfer. You transfer the state around instead of having the server store it. This is the only way to scale to millions of concurrent users. If for no other reason than because millions of sessions is millions of sessions.

The load of session management is amortized across all the clients, the clients store their session state and the servers can service many orders of magnitude or more clients in a stateless fashion.

Even for a service that you think will only need in the 10's of thousands of concurrent users, you still should make your service stateless. Tens of thousands is still tens of thousands and there will be time and space cost associated with it.

Stateless is how the HTTP protocol and the web in general was designed to operate and is an overall simpler implementation and you have a single code path instead of a bunch of server side logic to maintain a bunch of session state.

There are some very basic implementation principles:

These are principles not implementations, how you meet these principles may vary.

In summary, the five key principles are:

  1. Give every “thing” an ID
  2. Link things together
  3. Use standard methods
  4. Resources with multiple representations
  5. Communicate statelessly

There is nothing about authentication or authorization in the REST dissertation.

Because there is nothing different from authenticating a request that is RESTful from one that is not. Authentication is irrelevant to the RESTful discussion.

Explaining how to create a stateless application for your particular requirements, is too-broad for StackOverflow.

Implementing Authentication and Authorization as it pertains to REST is even more so too-broad and various approaches to implementations are explained in great detail on the internet in general.

Comments asking for help/info on this will/should just be flagged as
No Longer Needed

Is TCP protocol stateless?

You can't assume that any stacked protocol is stateful or stateless just looking at the other protocols on the stack. Stateful protocols can be built on top of stateless protocols and stateless protocols can be built on top of stateful protocols. One of the points of a layered network model is that the kind of relationship you're looking for (statefulness of any given protocol in function of the protocols it's used in conjunction with) does not exist.

The TCP protocol is a stateful protocol because of what it is, not because it is used over IP or because HTTP is built on top of it. TCP maintains state in the form of a window size (endpoints tell each other how much data they're ready to receive) and packet order (endpoints must confirm to each other when they receive a packet from the other). This state (how much bytes the other guy can receive, and whether or not he did receive the last packet) allows TCP to be reliable even over inherently non-reliable protocols. Therefore, TCP is a stateful protocol because it needs state to be useful.

I would also like to point out that while HTTP and HTTPS (which is just HTTP over SSL/TLS, really) are essentially stateless (each request is a valid standalone request per the protocol), applications built on top of HTTP and HTTPS aren't necessarily stateless. For instance, a website can require you to visit a login page before sending a message. Even though the request where the client sends a message is a valid standalone request, the application will not accept it unless the client authenticated herself before. This means that the application implements state over HTTP.

On a side note, the statefulness of HTTP can be somewhat confusing, as several applications (on a clearly different OSI layer) will leak their state to HTTP. For instance, if a user tries to view a blog post that doesn't exist, the blog application might send back a response with the 404 status code, even though the file handling the blog post search itself was found.

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