The Value for the Usebean Class Attribute ... Is Invalid

The value for the useBean class attribute ... is invalid

You should put the file under WEBINF/classes/user

(Eclipse) The value for the useBean class attribute is invalid

Solution found: There was a conflict between two Tomcat installations. See comments on Question for more detailed information.

The value for the useBean class attribute is invalid

This error basically means that

MyPow powerBean = new MyPow();

has failed.

The beans are required to have a public constructor. So, change the package-private constructor

MyPow() {
// ...

to a public constructor

public MyPow() {
// ...

This way JSP (which is by itself in a different package) will be able to access and invoke the bean's constructor.

IntelliJ IDEA - The value for the useBean class attribute is invalid

In my WEB-INF > classes > beans, it's a & Student.class.

Is the folder name under classes beans or bean?
If it is beans it should be renamed as bean

JavaBean 'value for the useBean class attribute classes.UserData is invalid'

You need to set the bean properties in your NextPage.jsp file.

Add the following line after your useBean statement like this.

<jsp:useBean id="user" class="UserData" scope="session"/>
<jsp:setProperty name="user" property="*" />

The value for the useBean class attribute *** is invalid. ok in NetBeans bad on server

Well, after doing some research I figured out that the problem was in the deployment stage. Something gets screwed up when I unwar it manually. So instead, I upload the .war to my server and let the tomcat manager deploy the .war for me, and voila, no errors.

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