How to Run All Tests Belonging to a Certain Category in Junit 4

How to run all tests belonging to a certain Category in JUnit 4

I found out one possible way to achieve what I want, but I don't consider this to be the best possible solution as it relies on ClassPathSuite library that is not part of JUnit.

I define the test suite for slow tests like this:

@Suite.SuiteClasses( { AllTests.class })
public class SlowTestSuite {

AllTests class is defined like this:

public class AllTests {

I had to use ClassPathSuite class from ClassPathSuite project here. It will find all the classes with tests.

Running all tests from a @Category using Maven

As an update: as of Surefire plugin v2.11, JUnit 4.8+ style categories are now supported.

The release notes for Surefire v2.11 mention the new feature. The surefire:test goal can is configured using groups.

How to run all JUnit tests in a category/suite with Ant?

Right, I got it working with <batchtest> quite simply:

<junit showoutput="true" printsummary="yes" fork="yes">
<formatter type="xml"/>
<classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
<batchtest todir="${test.reports}">
<fileset dir="${classes}">
<include name="**/FastTestSuite.class"/>

I had tried <batchtest> earlier, but had made the silly mistake of using "**/" instead of "**/FastTestSuite.class" in the <include> element... Sorry about that :-)

NB: it's necessary to set fork="yes" (i.e., run the tests in a separate VM); otherwise this will also produce "initializationError" at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( like <test> (see comments on the question). However, I couldn't get <test> working even with fork="yes".

The only shortcoming is that this produces just one JUnit XML report file (TEST-fi.foobar.FastTestSuite.xml) which makes it look like all the (hundreds) of tests are in one class (FastTestSuite). If anyone knows how to tweak this to show the tests in their original classes & packages, please let me know.

Run all tests in Junit 4

Though it does not really solve your immediate problem, I find it a very useful general practice to create suites and suites of suites, e.g. for a package something like PackageFooSuite etc. and assemble these suites in one or more suites again, like ModuleFooSuite and have one top-level suite, like AllTestsSuite. That way it's easy to run both all tests in one step as well as submodule tests for the package I'm currently working on (and have the tests run quicker than if I would always run all of them):

@Suite.SuiteClasses({ PackageFooSuite.class, PackageBarSuite.class} )
public final class AllTestsSuite {} // or ModuleFooSuite, and that in AllTests

Run all tests except for a JUnit Category in IntelliJ

Some time has passed since I asked this question, and in that time the Gradle test runner has become the default (at least for me). So though the built-in runner may not have this functionality, you can easily create a gradle task that excludes categories or tags:

test {
useJUnitPlatform {
excludeTags 'integrationTest'
excludeTags 'endToEndTest'
excludeTags 'testDriver'
options {
exclude '**/*Integration*'
exclude 'integrationTest'
exclude 'endToEndTest'
exclude 'testDriver'


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