How to Find a Definitive Selenium Webdriver to Firefox Compatibility Matrix

Where can I find a definitive Selenium WebDriver to Firefox Compatibility Matrix?

I was looking for something similar just recently and found that the Changelog is probably the best place to look at for compatibility questions:

(used to be at when Selenium was hosted on Google Code).

All the most recent version have a support up to Firefox v XX comment at the very top of each version.
The older ones you have to read in the comments a little, but they will say which version is the greatest supported for that release.

Hope this helps.

Is Selenium 2.42.2 webdriver compatible with Firefox 27.0.1?

Please refer to the CHANGELOG here:

Selenium 2.42.0 supports to Firefox 29, which means that only the following four FF versions are supported:

  • Firefox 29, the current FF release when this Selenium was released
  • Firefox 28, the previous FF release
  • Firefox 24, the current FF ESR release
  • Firefox 17, the immediately previous ESR release

Selenium 2.42.1 and Selenium 2.42.2 were just providing bugs fixes unrelated to Firefox.

Therefore, to your question, nope, Selenium 2.42.2 doesn't support Firefox 27.0.1 officially. (This may not necessarily mean that Selenium 2.42.2 isn't compatible with Firefox 27.0.1, but I highly recommend you to upgrade your Firefox to 29)

Documentation confusion: what version of Firefox does Selenium support?

You should refer to CHANGELOG. Thats always the latest. gets updated by someone manually... Which is not happening regularly I guess.

I am using firefox 43.0.4 and Selenium java version 2.49.0. Error description below

This is a case of the release cadences of both Firefox and Selenium Webdriver. When Firefox release a new version, it generally isn't supported by Selenium vlatest. My recommendation from experience is:

  • Disable Firefox Automatic Updates (Options->Advanced->Update)
  • Manually keep Firefox as up-to-date as possible without breaking Selenium Compatibility (unfortunately as far as I know, there isn't a definitive compatibility matrix)
  • Always try and keep Selenium up-to-date

This is particularly important for any Selenium boxes used as part of a CI/CD pipeline, which will otherwise auto update and fail.

For downgrading Firefox, Mozilla provide a directory of older versions:

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