Struts2: Updating the Values of a "List of Objects" Inside a Map

Struts2: Updating the values of a List Of Objects inside a Map

According to your latest update. If you are using TreeMap Struts2 cannot correctly determine type of elements inside it. Change declaration of testTreeMap from TreeMap to Map.

private Map<String,ObjectCList> testTreeMap = new TreeMap<String,ObjectCList>();

Or annotate testTreeMap with com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.Element annotation to tell Struts2 what type are elements inside map.

@Element(value = ObjectCList.class)
private TreeMap<String,ObjectCList> testTreeMap = new TreeMap<String,ObjectCList>();

How do I show elements of a Map's value (List of Objects) in a Struts 2 optgroup?

  1. You're confusing %{} with # and #{} (three different things);
  2. When you iterate a collection, the current object is pushed onto the value stack, so you don't need to mention the collection anymore. You can however get a reference to the current object by using the var keyword;
  3. You're misusing the IteratorStatus.

The correct code is easier than you think:

<s:select name="availableIds" list="%{#session.availableSupervisorsMap}" multiple="true">
<s:optgroup label="key">
<s:iterator value="value" var="currentRow">
<option value="%{#currentRow.employeeId}">
<s:property value="%{#currentRow.employeeName}"/>

How to pass a MapObjectA, ListObjectB to action in Struts 2

I made it work after the following change.

<s:iterator value="event.planMap" status="mStat"  >
<h4>Plan Type: <s:property value='key' /></h4>
<table id="plan">
<s:iterator value="value.details" status="stat">
<td><s:textfield id="name" name="event.planMap['%{key}'].details[%{#stat.index}].name" /></td>
<td><s:textfield id="text" name="event.planMap['%{key}'].details[%{#stat.index}].text" /></td>
<td><s:textfield id="contact" name="event.planMap['%{key}].details[%{#stat.index}].contact" /></td>

Struts2 binding a map inside an object to an action attribute

In your case, objB is a List contanining an HashMap, then one HashMap for every element of the List.

|--- objB[0]
|-- objC[A]
|-- objC[B]
|-- objC[C]
|--- objB[1]
|-- objC[X]
|-- objC[Y]
|-- objC[Z]
|--- objB[n]
|-- objC[N1]
|-- objC[N2]
|-- objC[N3]

Then you need two iterators and the following OGNL notation, to refer to the single elements with the name attribute:

<s:iterator value="objA.objB" var="listRow" status="listStatus">
<!-- Iterating the List -->
<s:iterator value="#listRow.myMap" var="mapRow" >
<!-- Iterating the Map -->
<s:property value="#mapRow.key"/>
<s:textfield value="%{#mapRow.value.attr12}"

show a list of arrays of objects List(Object[]) in struts select tag s:select

Well, no answer. I converted the Obect[] to a Map
and used the map in the select tag

Individual object map values in s:select in Struts2

The .{} in Clause.{clause} is called a projection in OGNL and it creates a list of properties of that object. That is why you get all values in option tag.

Usually you should put just property name in listValue attribute but in your case you need to get value from map value then reference it like that value.property_of_object

<s:select list="Clause" listValue="value.clause" />

How to get values from hashmap in struts2 and compare it in s:if test?

You don't need to iterate through map to get a value from it. As you doing it now the type of your #map variable is not a Map but Map$Entry.

So remove <s:iterator> tag and use just <s:if> - <s:else> tags.

<s:if test="param['USE'].equals(\"1\")">
<s:checkbox label="Use" name="use" fieldValue="true" value="true"
<s:checkbox label="Use" name="useMta" fieldValue="false" value="false"

BTW naming your action field as param is probably not the best idea, consider changing it to something less keyword-ish.

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