Double Checked Locking in Singleton

Double Checked Locking in Singleton

No, since you are obtaining lock on the SearchBox.class, only one thread will enter the synchronized block at a time. So the first thread enters then finds searchBox is null and creates it and then leaves the synchronized block, then the second thread enter the block then it finds that the searchBox is not null because the first thread already created it so it will not create a new instance of searchBox.

The double checked pattern is used to avoid obtaining the lock every time the code is executed. If the call are not happening together then the first condition will fail and the code execution will not execute the locking thus saving resources.

Why is volatile used in double checked locking

A good resource for understanding why volatile is needed comes from the JCIP book. Wikipedia has a decent explanation of that material as well.

The real problem is that Thread A may assign a memory space for instance before it is finished constructing instance. Thread B will see that assignment and try to use it. This results in Thread B failing because it is using a partially constructed version of instance.

double check locking in singleton pattern

Jon Skeet explains this in detail.

Locks are expensive.

If the object already exists, there's no point in taking out a lock.

Thus, you have a first check outside the lock.

However, even if the object didn't exist before you took the look, another thread may have created it between the if condition and the lock statement.

Therefore, you need to check again inside the lock.

However, the best way to write a singleton is to use a static constructor:

public sealed class Singleton
private Singleton()

public static Singleton Instance { get { return Nested.instance; } }

private class Nested
// Explicit static constructor to tell C# compiler
// not to mark type as beforefieldinit
static Nested()

internal static readonly Singleton instance = new Singleton();

Potential problems in Double Checked locking pattern in Singleton class

I am a big fan of the following pattern for lazy-initialized singletons:

public final class CassandraAstyanaxConnection {


private static class ConnectionHolder {
public static CassandraAstyanaxConnection connection = new CassandraAstyanaxConnection()

public static CassandraAstyanaxConnection getInstance() {
return ConnectionHolder.connection;


why java double check lock singleton must use the volatile keyword?

a thread may assign the instance variable before the constuctor finishes

That's not actually true. The assignment is right there in the code example:

instance=new DoubleCheckSingleton()

Obviously, the thread that performs that assignment can not possibly do the assignment before the constructor call has returned.

The problem is, when two different threads are running on two different processors without any synchronization, they will not necessarily agree upon the order in which assignments happen. So, even though thread A assigned the fields of the new object (inside the new DoubleCheckSingleton() call) before it assigned instance, thread B potentially could see those assignments out-of-order. Thread B could see the assignment to instance before it sees some of the other things that new DobuleCheckSingleton() did.

Declaring instance to be volatile synchronizes the threads. volatile guarantees that everything thread A did before it assigned a volatile variable will become visible to thread B when thread B fetches the value of the volatile variable.

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