Does a Finally Block Always Run

Does a finally block always run?

from the Sun Tutorials

Note: If the JVM exits while the try
or catch code is being executed, then
the finally block may not execute.
Likewise, if the thread executing the
try or catch code is interrupted or
killed, the finally block may not
execute even though the application as
a whole continues.

I don't know of any other ways the finally block wouldn't execute...

Does a finally block always get executed in Java?

Yes, finally will be called after the execution of the try or catch code blocks.

The only times finally won't be called are:

  1. If you invoke System.exit()
  2. If you invoke Runtime.getRuntime().halt(exitStatus)
  3. If the JVM crashes first
  4. If the JVM reaches an infinite loop (or some other non-interruptable, non-terminating statement) in the try or catch block
  5. If the OS forcibly terminates the JVM process; e.g., kill -9 <pid> on UNIX
  6. If the host system dies; e.g., power failure, hardware error, OS panic, et cetera
  7. If the finally block is going to be executed by a daemon thread and all other non-daemon threads exit before finally is called

when does the finally block not execute while try or catch block is interrupted

Good answers can be found here.

Besides a System.exit(), the finally block will not run if the JVM crashes for some reason (e.g. infinite loop in your try block).

As far as the thread itself, only if it is stopped using the stop() method (or suspend() without resume()) will the finally block not be executed. A call to interrupt() will still result in the finally block being executed.

It's also worth noting that, since any return statement in the finally block will override any returns or exception throws in the try/catch blocks, program behavior can quickly become erratic and hard to debug if this happens to you. Not really anything worth taking precaution against (as it only happens in extremely rare cases), but worth being aware of so you can recognize it when it happens.

Does the C# finally block ALWAYS execute?

yes it does :-)

Does a finally block run even if you throw a new Exception?

Yes, the finally blocks always runs... except when:

  • The thread running the try-catch-finally block is killed or interrupted
  • You use System.exit(0);
  • The underlying VM is destroyed in some other way
  • The underlying hardware is unusable in some way

Additionally, if a method in your finally block throws an uncaught exception, then nothing after that will be executed (i.e. the exception will be thrown as it would in any other code). A very common case where this happens is java.sql.Connection.close().

As an aside, I am guessing that the code sample you have used is merely an example, but be careful of putting actual logic inside a finally block. The finally block is intended for resource clean-up (closing DB connections, releasing file handles etc), not for must-run logic. If it must-run do it before the try-catch block, away from something that could throw an exception, as your intention is almost certainly functionally the same.

Does a finally block always get executed in Java?

Yes, finally will be called after the execution of the try or catch code blocks.

The only times finally won't be called are:

  1. If you invoke System.exit()
  2. If you invoke Runtime.getRuntime().halt(exitStatus)
  3. If the JVM crashes first
  4. If the JVM reaches an infinite loop (or some other non-interruptable, non-terminating statement) in the try or catch block
  5. If the OS forcibly terminates the JVM process; e.g., kill -9 <pid> on UNIX
  6. If the host system dies; e.g., power failure, hardware error, OS panic, et cetera
  7. If the finally block is going to be executed by a daemon thread and all other non-daemon threads exit before finally is called

Does 'finally' always execute in Python?

"Guaranteed" is a much stronger word than any implementation of finally deserves. What is guaranteed is that if execution flows out of the whole try-finally construct, it will pass through the finally to do so. What is not guaranteed is that execution will flow out of the try-finally.

  • A finally in a generator or async coroutine might never run, if the object never executes to conclusion. There are a lot of ways that could happen; here's one:

    def gen(text):
    for line in text:
    yield int(line)
    # Ignore blank lines - but catch too much!
    print('Doing important cleanup')

    text = ['1', '', '2', '', '3']

    if any(n > 1 for n in gen(text)):
    print('Found a number')

    print('Oops, no cleanup.')

    Note that this example is a bit tricky: when the generator is garbage collected, Python attempts to run the finally block by throwing in a GeneratorExit exception, but here we catch that exception and then yield again, at which point Python prints a warning ("generator ignored GeneratorExit") and gives up. See PEP 342 (Coroutines via Enhanced Generators) for details.

    Other ways a generator or coroutine might not execute to conclusion include if the object is just never GC'ed (yes, that's possible, even in CPython), or if an async with awaits in __aexit__, or if the object awaits or yields in a finally block. This list is not intended to be exhaustive.

  • A finally in a daemon thread might never execute if all non-daemon threads exit first.

  • os._exit will halt the process immediately without executing finally blocks.

  • os.fork may cause finally blocks to execute twice. As well as just the normal problems you'd expect from things happening twice, this could cause concurrent access conflicts (crashes, stalls, ...) if access to shared resources is not correctly synchronized.

    Since multiprocessing uses fork-without-exec to create worker processes when using the fork start method (the default on Unix), and then calls os._exit in the worker once the worker's job is done, finally and multiprocessing interaction can be problematic (example).

  • A C-level segmentation fault will prevent finally blocks from running.
  • kill -SIGKILL will prevent finally blocks from running. SIGTERM and SIGHUP will also prevent finally blocks from running unless you install a handler to control the shutdown yourself; by default, Python does not handle SIGTERM or SIGHUP.
  • An exception in finally can prevent cleanup from completing. One particularly noteworthy case is if the user hits control-C just as we're starting to execute the finally block. Python will raise a KeyboardInterrupt and skip every line of the finally block's contents. (KeyboardInterrupt-safe code is very hard to write).
  • If the computer loses power, or if it hibernates and doesn't wake up, finally blocks won't run.

The finally block is not a transaction system; it doesn't provide atomicity guarantees or anything of the sort. Some of these examples might seem obvious, but it's easy to forget such things can happen and rely on finally for too much.

Is there possibility that a finally block might not execute?

If the JVM exits while the try or catch code is being executed, then the finally block may not execute. Likewise, if the thread executing the try or catch code is interrupted or killed, the finally block may not execute even though the application as a whole continues.

Source: Java Tutorial: The finally Block

When does a finally block execute if the catch block contains a continue statement?

Think of it as a try/finally block with catch expressions optional. Both continue statements in your code would pop the execution stack out of the catch which would place execution in the finally block before allowing the loop to continue. Any time there is a try/finally block, finally will always be executed.

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