Spring @Requestbody and Enum Value

Spring @RequestBody and Enum value

I've found what I need. http://chrisjordan.ca/post/50865405944/custom-json-serialization-for-enums-using-jackson.

It was 2 steps.

  1. Override the toString method of the Reos enum
public String toString() {
return text;

  1. Annotate with @JsonCreator the fromText method of the Reos enum.
public static Reos fromText(String text)

And that's all.

I hope this could help others facing the same problem.

Spring map Enum in @RequestBody

EDIT: updated see comments

Your request body is an object with one field named status of type DeviceStatus, so you can probably use your Device class


class Device {
// will be validated in the controller
private String status;
// getter, setter, etc

// with:

public enum DeviceStatus {

and @RequestBody Foo foo in the controller method signature:

public ResponseEntity<Void> changeStatus(@PathVariable final List<Integer> ids, @NotNull @RequestBody final Device device) {
try {
deviceService.updateStatus(ids, DeviceStatus.valueOf(device.getStatus()));
} catch(IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// throw some custom exception. device.getStatus() was invalid
} catch(NullPointerException ex) {
// throw some custom exception. device.getStatus() was null
// ...

How to handle requestbody to set valid values from enum?

So I made something like this

I've created static enum list

private static final List<String> NAME = Arrays.asList(

And simple check in controller before executing service method

if (!Name.contains(nameDTO.getName)
throw new Exception;

How to custom convert String to enum in @RequestBody?

You can try to use JsonProperty on enum directly

enum IdType {




If you want to have multimapping the simple thing would be defining mapping and using JsonCreator on enum level:

enum IdType {


private static Map<String, IdType> mapping = new HashMap<>();

static {
mapping.put("drivingLicence", DRIVING_LICENCE);
// ...

public static IdType fromString(String value) {
return mapping.get(value);

See also:

  • Deserializing an enum with Jackson

Spring Enum list empty in @RequestBody

public static StatusEnum forValue(String value) {
return namesMap.get(StringUtils.lowerCase(value));

Problem is the usage of #lowerCase in forValue!
Your keys in your map aren't lower-cased. That's why namesMap.get can't find anything.

Spring Boot - Json RequestBody, String/Enum with/without quotation marks

In the case where you are using @RequestBody String myString the payload of the http request is put in there as-is. So whatever you send will be placed in there. The content-type doesn't matter as it will copy the payload of the request as is.

In the second case, an actual JSON string is required to be able to convert to an enum. A JSON based String needs to have quotation marks else it isn't a JSON String. Something other than a string cannot be converted to an enum.

To convert from the payload of the body to the requested object Spring uses an [HttpMessageConverter]. It will select the correct HttpMessageConverter based on the Content-Type header. In your case, assuming the defaults, this will result in the MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter. Which will use the body to convert to the enum. Which will then fail as it isn't a valid JSON string (no quotation marks).

What is a String in JSON is explained here.

Enums as Request Parameters in Spring Boot Rest

Your body is declared as simple enum type, not object. So instead of posting JSON object with braces try to post only a value, which is for example:


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