Tomcat Is Running But 8080 Port Is Not Responding

Tomcat is running but 8080 port is not responding

First step is to run telnet localhost 8080 when logged in locally. Then type in something like


and you should get HTML back.
If that doesn't work, then tomcat is not really running properly or is not listening on port 8080.
If that works but when trying from outside, make sure that you have the correct ip address. Try with ip address first. If ip address works, perhaps your doesn't resolve to it.
If ip is correct (the same one you are ssh'ing to) and it still doesn' work, then you are probably running firewall which doesn't allow 8080 through. Changing firewall configuration requires root access.

Tomcat won't respond on port 8080

It could be that you don't have any application deployed on your ROOT?

can you post the content of your /tomcat/webapps/* ?

say you have application.war deployed so you'd rather do

GET /application/something

I just tested on my working tomcat and when calling GET / it also returns nothing because there is no application deployed over there (default for root in tomcat is /tomcat/webapps/ROOT)

Hope I could help.

Tomcat starts without errors but not listening on 8080

If the problem is that the port is not configured in iptables like Nash suggests, then you can configure it as follows:

vi  /etc/sysconfig/iptables

add the following line to the file:

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT

save the file on exit and restart iptables:

service iptables restart

Tomcat is running on 8080 port but unable to access remotely using ip address?

Find the server.xml located under confs folder of the catalina(tomcat).

Find out Connector tag which each one indicates for one connector isntance.

If the connector comes with no address attribute(as default), so tomcat will listen for all addresses. If it has address attribute, so just remove it out, or either have another Connector to listen for the related ipv4 address.

<Connector ... address="ip_v4_addr"/>

Check tomcat spec for Connectors here.

Next make sure the port is open and allowed to be invoked by any firewall, also make sure the ip-address is valid(public and reachable), and ISP doesn't block it.

Default port for tomcat(HTTP) is 8080 and 8443 for HTTPS, maybe your ISP doesn't let you workout with non-std ports, or the firewall issue.

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