Short If - Else Statement

Short IF - ELSE statement

The "ternary expression" x ? y : z can only be used for conditional assignment. That is, you could do something like:

String mood = inProfit() ? "happy" : "sad";

because the ternary expression is returning something (of type String in this example).

It's not really meant to be used as a short, in-line if-else. In particular, you can't use it if the individual parts don't return a value, or return values of incompatible types. (So while you could do this if both method happened to return the same value, you shouldn't invoke it for the side-effect purposes only).

So the proper way to do this would just be with an if-else block:

if (jXPanel6.isVisible()) {
else {

which of course can be shortened to


Both of those latter expressions are, for me, more readable in that they more clearly communicate what it is you're trying to do. (And by the way, did you get your conditions the wrong way round? It looks like this is a no-op anyway, rather than a toggle).

Don't mix up low character count with readability. The key point is what is most easily understood; and mildly misusing language features is a definite way to confuse readers, or at least make them do a mental double-take.

Shorthand for if-else statement

Using the ternary :? operator [spec].

var hasName = (name === 'true') ? 'Y' :'N';

The ternary operator lets us write shorthand if..else statements exactly like you want.

It looks like:

(name === 'true') - our condition

? - the ternary operator itself

'Y' - the result if the condition evaluates to true

'N' - the result if the condition evaluates to false

So in short (question)?(result if true):(result is false) , as you can see - it returns the value of the expression so we can simply assign it to a variable just like in the example above.

Shorthand If/Else statement with two statements inside IF

No you cannot do that. The "small version" of the if/else is called the conditional operator. It is the only operator in c++ taking three operands and commonly also simply called "the ternary operator". From here:

Exp1 ? Exp2 : Exp3;

where Exp1, Exp2, and Exp3 are expressions. Notice the use and
placement of the colon. The value of a ? expression is determined like
this: Exp1 is evaluated. If it is true, then Exp2 is evaluated and
becomes the value of the entire ? expression. If Exp1 is false, then
Exp3 is evaluated and its value becomes the value of the expression.

And for some clarification what is an expression see this question. break is not an expression, but a statement, hence you cannot use it inside a ternary.

Anyhow I would advise you not to hide the break within more stuff in a single line. In a loop a break is something extremely important and it makes sense to make it stand out from the "normal" buissness that happens inside the loop. If I dont immediately see a break (or a return) in a loop then I assume that it does its full iteration. Overlooking a break can cause mayor confusion and misunderstanding.

Short form for Java if statement

Use the ternary operator:

name = ((city.getName() == null) ? "N/A" : city.getName());

I think you have the conditions backwards - if it's null, you want the value to be "N/A".

What if city is null? Your code *hits the bed in that case. I'd add another check:

name = ((city == null) || (city.getName() == null) ? "N/A" : city.getName());

IF-ELSE statement shortcut in C

The operator ?: must return a value. If you didn't have the "else" part, what would it return when the boolean expression is false? A sensible default in some other languages may be null, but probably not for C. If you just need to do the "if" and you don't need it to return a value, then typing if is a lot easier.

shorthand c++ if else statement


bigInt.sign = !(number < 0);

The ! operator always evaluates to true or false. When converted to int, these become 1 and 0 respectively.

Of course this is equivalent to:

bigInt.sign = (number >= 0);

Here the parentheses are redundant but I add them for clarity. All of the comparison and relational operator evaluate to true or false.

Short java if else if else statement

If you want to convert something like:

if(A) {
return X;
else if(B) {
return Y;
else {
return Z;

You can write this as:

A ? X : (B ? Y : Z);

You thus write the else if as a condition in the else-part (after :) of the upper expression.

However, I would strongly advice against too much cascading. The code becomes extremely unreadable and the ? : code structure was never designed for this.

combined usage of shorthand c if else statement and break in a loop resulted an error

The conditional operator ?: and if statements aren't compatible replacements.

The conditional operator can only be used with scalar (arithmetic or pointer) operands; it cannot be used for program flow control. So it can't contain break and similar. In addition, it comes with a couple of subtle hiccups such as implicit type promotion and operator precedence issues. The only advantage of ?: over if is pretty much that it returns a value.

My rule of thumb is that if you can use if instead of ?:, then do it.

This gives safer and (usually) more readable code. The main use of ?: is when writing various function-like macros (which is something that should be avoided in the first place). Some rare exceptions exist where ?: does give more readable code, but my general advice is to just stay clear of it.

Returning using a shortened if else statement in Python

The form

print("Yes") if x == 1 else print("No")

is not generally considered Pythonic, since ... if ... else ... is an expression and you're throwing away the value that the expression produces (always None). You can use print("Yes" if x == 1 else "No") which is Pythonic since the value of the conditional expression is used as the argument to print.

The form

return total if x == 1 else return half

cannot work since return is a statement and must occur at the beginning of a logical line. Instead, use

return total if x == 1 else half

(which is parsed the same as return (total if x == 1 else half)).

The code

 print(total) if x == 1 else print(half) if x == 2

wouldn't work either - the conditional expression is ... if ... else ..., i.e. each if must be paired with an else that follows it; your second if is missing the else clause; you could use

 print(total) if x == 1 else print(half) if x == 2 else print('something else')

Again, this wouldn't be considered very pythonic; but you could use

 print(total if x == 1 else half if x == 2 else 'something else')

not that it would be much better either.

Finally, if you're participating in a code golf

print("Yes" if x == 1 else "No")

can be shortened to

print(('No', 'Yes')[x == 1])

by using the fact that True == 1 and False == 0 and using these to index a tuple.

Advice needed on shorthand if else shorthand

day += -7 if day == 7 else 1

The way you read this is "Add negative 7 to day if day == 7, otherwise, add 1 to day"

Dagorodir's original answer does not work, because it will subtract (day + 1) from the current value of day if day != 7. So using your example with the the starting value of 5 for day, the result of running the code from the other answer is -1.

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