String S = New String("Xyz"). How Many Objects Has Been Made After This Line of Code Execute

String s = new String(xyz). How many objects has been made after this line of code execute?


First, this question really asks about this addressed here:
Is String Literal Pool a collection of references to the String Object, Or a collection of Objects

So, that is a guide for everyone on this matter.


Given this line of code: String s = new String(“xyz”)

There are two ways of looking at this:

(1) What happens when the line of code executes -- the literal moment it runs in the program?

(2) What is the net effect of how many Objects are created by the statement?


1) After this executes, one additional object is created.

a) The "xyz" String is created and interned when the JVM loads the class that this line of code is contained in.

  • If an "xyz" is already in the intern pool from some other code, then the literal might produce no new String object.

b) When new String s is created, the internal char[] is a copy of the interned"xyz" string.

c) That means, when the line executes, there is only one additional object created.

The fact is the "xyz" object will have been created as soon as the class loaded and before this code section was ever run. scenario ...

2) There are three objects created by the code (including the interned "a")

String s1 = "a";
String s2 = "a";
String s3 = new String("a");

a) s1 and s2 are just referenced,not objects, and they point to the same String in memory.

b) The "a" is interned and is a compound object: one char[] object and the String object itself. It consisting of two objects in memory.

c) s3, new String("a") produces one more object. The new String("a") does not copy the char[] of "a", it only references it internally. Here is the method signature:

public String2(String original) {
this.value = original.value;
this.hash = original.hash;

One interned String ("a") equals 2 Objects. And one new String("a") equals one more object. Net effect from code is three objects.

Counting String objects created by Java code

By the end of the run there will be four String objects:

  1. A String that corresponds to the interned "xyz" literal
  2. Its copy created by new String("xyz")
  3. A String that corresponds to the interned "abc" literal
  4. A String that corresponds to concatenation "xyz" + "abc"

The real question is attributing some or all of these objects to your program. One can reasonably claim that as few as two or as many as four Strings are created by your code. Even though there are four String objects in total, objects 1 and 3 may not necessarily be created by your code, because they are in a constant pool, so they get created outside your code's direct control.

How many objects are created in this case?

You are creating a single object that is referenced by variable b, a is a declared variable without any data assigned to it, that is not an object in a Java sense

Difference between String() and new String() in Javascript

Using the String() constructor without new gives you the string (primitive) value of the passed parameter. It's like boxing the parameter in a native object if necessary (like a Number or Boolean), and then calling .toString() on it. (Of course if you pass a plain object reference it just calls .toString() on that.)

Calling new String(something) makes a String instance object.

The results look the same via console.log() because it'll just extract the primitive string from the String instance you pass to it.

So: just plain String() returns a string primitive. new String(xyz) returns an object constructed by the String constructor.

It's rarely necessary to explicitly construct a String instance.

What is the difference between text and new String(text)?

new String("text");
explicitly creates a new and referentially distinct instance of a String object; String s = "text"; may reuse an instance from the string constant pool if one is available.

You very rarely would ever want to use the new String(anotherString) constructor. From the API:

String(String original) : Initializes a newly created String object so that it represents the same sequence of characters as the argument; in other words, the newly created string is a copy of the argument string. Unless an explicit copy of original is needed, use of this constructor is unnecessary since strings are immutable.

Related questions

  • Java Strings: “String s = new String(”silly“);”
  • Strings are objects in Java, so why don’t we use ‘new’ to create them?

What referential distinction means

Examine the following snippet:

    String s1 = "foobar";
String s2 = "foobar";

System.out.println(s1 == s2); // true

s2 = new String("foobar");
System.out.println(s1 == s2); // false
System.out.println(s1.equals(s2)); // true

== on two reference types is a reference identity comparison. Two objects that are equals are not necessarily ==. It is usually wrong to use == on reference types; most of the time equals need to be used instead.

Nonetheless, if for whatever reason you need to create two equals but not == string, you can use the new String(anotherString) constructor. It needs to be said again, however, that this is very peculiar, and is rarely the intention.


  • JLS 15.21.3 Reference Equality Operators == and !=
  • class Object - boolean Object(equals)

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