Maximum Size of a Method in Java

Maximum size of a method in Java 7 and 8

According to JVMS7 :

The fact that end_pc is exclusive is a historical mistake in the
design of the Java virtual machine: if the Java virtual machine code
for a method is exactly 65535 bytes long and ends with an instruction
that is 1 byte long, then that instruction cannot be protected by an
exception handler. A compiler writer can work around this bug by
limiting the maximum size of the generated Java virtual machine code
for any method, instance initialization method, or static initializer
(the size of any code array) to 65534 bytes.

But this is about Java 7. There is no final specs for Java 8, so nobody (except its developers) could answer this question.

UPD (2015-04-06) According to JVM8 it is also true for Java 8.

Maximum size of a method in java?

In my experience the 64KB limit is only a problem for generated code. esp. when intiialising large arrays (which is done in code)

In well structured code, each method is a manageable length and is much smaller than this limit. Large pieces of data, to be loaded into arrays, can be read from a non Java files like a text or binary file.


It is worth nothing that the JIT won't compile methods larger than 8 K. This means the code runs slower and can impact the GC times (as it is less efficient to search the call stack of a thread with methods which are not compiled esp big ones)

If possible you want to limit your methods to 8 K rather than 64 K.

Java - How to overcome the maximum method size in automatically-generated code

We are using the similar approach in one of the projects despite its disadvantages mentioned by other people. We call the multiple generated methods from single launcher method like @Marco13 suggests. We actually calculate (pretty precisely) the size of the generated bytecode and start a new method only when limit is reached. Our math formulas which we translate to Java code are available as AstTree and we have a special visitor which counts the bytecode length per each expression. For such simple programs it's quite stable across Java versions and different compilers. So we don't create methods more than necessary. In our case it's quite hard to emit the bytecode directly, but you can try to do it for your language using ASM or similar library (this way, of course, ASM will calculate the bytecode length for you).

We usually store the data variables in single double[] array (we don't need other types) and pass it as parameter. This way you don't need the enormous number of fields (sometimes we have thousands of variables). On the other hand local array access may take more bytecode bytes compared to field access for index higher than 127.

Another concern is the constant pool size. We usually have many double constants in the autogenerated code. If you declare many fields and/or methods, their names also take the constant pool entries. So it's possible to hit the class constant pool limit. Sometimes we hit it and generate nested classes to overcome this problem.

Other people suggest to tweak JVM options as well. Use these advices carefully as they will affect not only this autogenerated class, but every other class as well (I assume that other code is also executed in the same JVM in your case).

What is the maximum size of a Java .class file?

The JVM specification doesn’t mandate a limit for class files and since class files are extensible containers, supporting arbitrary custom attributes, you can even max it out as much as you wish.

Each attribute has a size field of the u4 type, thus, could specify a number of up to 2³²-1 (4GiB). Since, in practice, the JRE API (ClassLoader methods, Instrumentation API and Unsafe) all consistently use either byte[] or ByteBuffer to describe class files, it is impossible to create a runtime class of a class file having more than 2³¹-1 bytes (2GiB).

In other words, even a single custom attribute could have a size that exceeds the size of actually loadable classes. But a class can have 65535 attributes, plus 65535 fields, each of them having 65535 attributes of its own and plus 65535 methods, each of them having up to 65535 attribute as well.

If you do the math, you will come to the conclusion that the theoretical maximum of a still well formed class file may exceed any real storage space (more than 2⁶⁵ bytes).

Max size of a Method Java

You should probably split your method into two or more sub-methods, which you call in sequence from the main one. In fact, it should probably be way more than two. Encapsulating your code into multiple methods will make it muuuuuch easier to understand than one Dickens-length method. And hey, you might be able to re-use them elsewhere.

If you absolutely can't break up your method, maybe you could try taking out extraneous whitespace? This is called minification, and there's probably a utility that will do it for Java. All of this is with the caveat that it will make your epic method even less readable, so don't do this if you're going to want to change it in the future ever ever.

On a related note, congratulations on writing a method so long you broke java. That's actually really impressive.

String's Maximum length in Java - calling length() method

Considering the String class' length method returns an int, the maximum length that would be returned by the method would be Integer.MAX_VALUE, which is 2^31 - 1 (or approximately 2 billion.)

In terms of lengths and indexing of arrays, (such as char[], which is probably the way the internal data representation is implemented for Strings), Chapter 10: Arrays of The Java Language Specification, Java SE 7 Edition says the following:

The variables contained in an array
have no names; instead they are
referenced by array access expressions
that use nonnegative integer index
values. These variables are called the
components of the array. If an array
has n components, we say n is the
length of the array; the components of
the array are referenced using integer
indices from 0 to n - 1, inclusive.

Furthermore, the indexing must be by int values, as mentioned in Section 10.4:

Arrays must be indexed by int values;

Therefore, it appears that the limit is indeed 2^31 - 1, as that is the maximum value for a nonnegative int value.

However, there probably are going to be other limitations, such as the maximum allocatable size for an array.

Maximum number of parameters in Java method declaration

That limit is defined in the JVM Specification:

The number of method parameters is limited to 255 by the definition of a method descriptor (§4.3.3), where the limit includes one unit for this in the case of instance or interface method invocations.

Section §4.3.3 gives some additional information:

A method descriptor is valid only if it represents method parameters with a total length of 255 or less, where that length includes the contribution for this in the case of instance or interface method invocations.

The total length is calculated by summing the contributions of the individual parameters, where a parameter of type long or double contributes two units to the length and a parameter of any other type contributes one unit.

Your observations were spot on, double word primitives (long/double) need twice the size of usual 4 bytes variables and 4 bytes object instance references.

Regarding the last part of your question related to 64bit systems, the specification defines how many units a parameter contribute, that part of the specification must still be complied with even on a 64bit platform, the 64bit JVM will accomodate 255 instance parameters (like your 255 Strings) regardless of the internal object's pointer size.

What is the maximum number of methods a Java class can have?

According to the Java class file specification the limit is 65535:

4.10 Limitations of the Java Virtual Machine

The following limitations of the Java virtual machine are implicit in the class file format:

  • The number of methods that may be declared by a class or interface is limited to 65535 by the size of the methods_count item of the ClassFile structure (§4.1). Note that the value of the methods_count item of the ClassFile structure does not include methods that are inherited from superclasses or superinterfaces.

Why does Java limit the size of a method to 65535 byte?

See the Java Virtual Machine Specification section 4.10:

4.10 Limitations of the Java Virtual Machine

  • The amount of code per non-native, non-abstract method is limited to 65536 bytes by the sizes of the indices in the exception_table of the Code attribute (§4.7.3), in the LineNumberTable attribute (§4.7.8), and in the LocalVariableTable attribute (§4.7.9).

There's few good reasons to have a method that long in an object-oriented programming language.

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