Integer VS Int: with Regard to Memory

Integer vs int: with regard to memory

In general, the heap memory used by a Java object in Hotspot consists of:

  • an object header, consisting of a few bytes of "housekeeping" information;
  • memory for primitive fields, according to their size (int n->32 bits)
  • memory for reference fields (4 bytes each) (Integer n ->32 bits)
  • padding: potentially a few "wasted" unused bytes after the object data, to make every object start at an address that is a convenient multiple of bytes and reduce the number of bits required to represent a pointer to an object.

as per the suggestion of Mark Peters I would like add the link below

What is the difference between Integer and int in Java?

int is a primitive type. Variables of type int store the actual binary value for the integer you want to represent. int.parseInt("1") doesn't make sense because int is not a class and therefore doesn't have any methods.

Integer is a class, no different from any other in the Java language. Variables of type Integer store references to Integer objects, just as with any other reference (object) type. Integer.parseInt("1") is a call to the static method parseInt from class Integer (note that this method actually returns an int and not an Integer).

To be more specific, Integer is a class with a single field of type int. This class is used where you need an int to be treated like any other object, such as in generic types or situations where you need nullability.

Note that every primitive type in Java has an equivalent wrapper class:

  • byte has Byte
  • short has Short
  • int has Integer
  • long has Long
  • boolean has Boolean
  • char has Character
  • float has Float
  • double has Double

Wrapper classes inherit from Object class, and primitive don't. So it can be used in collections with Object reference or with Generics.

Since java 5 we have autoboxing, and the conversion between primitive and wrapper class is done automatically. Beware, however, as this can introduce subtle bugs and performance problems; being explicit about conversions never hurts.

What is the difference between an int and an Integer in Java and C#?

In Java, the 'int' type is a primitive, whereas the 'Integer' type is an object.

In C#, the 'int' type is the same as System.Int32 and is a value type (ie more like the java 'int'). An integer (just like any other value types) can be boxed ("wrapped") into an object.

The differences between objects and primitives are somewhat beyond the scope of this question, but to summarize:

Objects provide facilities for polymorphism, are passed by reference (or more accurately have references passed by value), and are allocated from the heap. Conversely, primitives are immutable types that are passed by value and are often allocated from the stack.

Java Primitive Types: int vs. Integer

Short answer: An int is a number; an Integer is a pointer that can reference an object that contains a number. Using Integer for arithmetic involves more CPU cycles and consumes more memory. An int is not an object and cannot passed to any method that requires objects (just like what you said about Generics).

Long vs Integer, long vs int, what to use and when?

Long is the Object form of long, and Integer is the object form of int.

The long uses 64 bits. The int uses 32 bits, and so can only hold numbers up to ±2 billion (-231 to +231-1).

You should use long and int, except where you need to make use of methods inherited from Object, such as hashcode. Java.util.collections methods usually use the boxed (Object-wrapped) versions, because they need to work for any Object, and a primitive type, like int or long, is not an Object.

Another difference is that long and int are pass-by-value, whereas Long and Integer are pass-by-reference value, like all non-primitive Java types. So if it were possible to modify a Long or Integer (it's not, they're immutable without using JNI code), there would be another reason to use one over the other.

A final difference is that a Long or Integer could be null.

ArrayListInteger vs ArrayListString - both storing values from 0 to 9 .. which takes more memory?

Here is a test result using this tool, it shows that ArrayList<Integer> occupies less memory:

public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Integer> integerArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> stringArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
System.out.println(RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(integerArrayList)); // 240
System.out.println(RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(stringArrayList)); // 560

Memory allocation/reference comparison for ints and Integers

Because of boxing and unboxing in java

Converting an int to an Integer, a double to a Double, and so on. If
the conversion goes the other way, this is called unboxing.

Autoboxing/unboxing is a pure convenience feature that allows you to assign values of a primitive type a reference of a wrapper class and vice versa, with the compiler automatically adding the code to convert between the two.

Boxing and unBoxing and SEE HERE ALSO

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