Parsing JSON Array Within JSON Object

Trouble parsing a json array inside a json array

First, array.get(0) will get you the first element from the main array. This first element is a JSON object that has two properties politics and location. You seem to be interested in a value that is inside the array value of the politics property. You'll have to use this ((JSONArray)((JSONObject)array.get(0)).get("politics")) to get that array.

Second, admin4 is not a property it is actually a value of the type property. You'll have to loop through the array to find it.

Here is a complete example:

JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
Object obj = parser.parse(output);
JSONArray array = (JSONArray)obj;
JSONArray politics = ((JSONObject)array.get(0)).get("politics"));
JSONObject obj = null;
for(int i = 0; i < politics.size(); i++){
obj = ((JSONObject)politics.get(i));
if(obj != null){
// Do something with the object.

It seems that you're using the simple json library. I don't remember exactly if it is .get("politics") or .getJSONObject("politics"). There may be other mistakes in method names in my example.

How can I parse nested array inside JSON object using Android Volley

  1. Create your response model class. You can do it with an online tool or android studio plugins.
    You can find a good online tool here .And about android studio plugins , Go to File -> Settings -> Plugins and search for JSON to POJO and install a good plugin and restart android studio in order to use it .

  2. stop going through each and every JSON node since this is a simple JSON response. Use GSON for easy conversions. add GSON dependency to your app level Build.gradle file and start using GSON to convert your JSON response to a List of model class objects. It's simple and easy. You can find a good tutorial here.

Parse the json objects inside json Array in Android?

Maybe like this

Make necessary changes.

private void OpenparseJson(String stringJson) {
try {
JSONArray jArray = new JSONArray(stringJson);
JSONObject jObject = null;
for (int i = 0; i < jArray.length(); i++) {
jObject = jArray.getJSONObject(i);
String s1 = jObject.getString("dateticket");
String s2 = jObject.getString("description");
String s3 = jObject.getString("etat");
String s4 = jObject.getString("idticket");
String s5 = jObject.getString("nomfichier");
String s6 = jObject.getString("objet");
String s7 = jObject.getString("priorite");
} catch (JSONException e) {

How to parse 2 JSON arrays inside an object

When you do

JSONObject parentObject = new JSONObject(finalJson);
JSONObject array = parentObject.getJSONObject("result");
JSONArray parentArray = array.getJSONArray("data");

you are looking for data inside the result block. You're not going to find it there. I think you should be doing:

JSONArray parentArray = parentObject.getJSONArray("data");

**EDIT:**Just tried it out

String finalJson = "{  \n" +
"\"result\":1,\n" +
"\"data\":[ \n" +
"{ \n" +
"\"id\":\"1\",\n" +
"\"langtitude\":\"31.3256632\",\n" +
"\"latitude\":\"20.3256632\",\n" +
"\"userNumber\":\"23\",\n" +
"\"address\":\"adfsf\",\n" +
"\"userFK\":\"1\"\n" +
"},\n" +
"{ \n" +
"\"id\":\"2\",\n" +
"\"langtitude\":\"31.3256632\",\n" +
"\"latitude\":\"20.3256632\",\n" +
"\"userNumber\":\"23\",\n" +
"\"address\":\"adfsf\",\n" +
"\"userFK\":\"1\"\n" +
"}\n" +
"]\n" +

try {
JSONObject reader = new JSONObject(finalJson);
int result = reader.getInt("result");
JSONArray data = reader.getJSONArray("data");

Log.i("MYTAG", "reader:" + reader);
Log.i("MYTAG", "result: "+result);
Log.i("MYTAG", "data: "+data);

} catch (Exception e) {



result: 1


How can I parse json array from json object?

As far as I understand you want to be able to get the key and values within the Object Items arrays, so you need to map over items array and then the key, values from the obtained item with Object.entries()

You can do it like

 if(this.state.authenticated ){
{this.GetPage.bind(this)}, index) => {
Object.entries(item).forEach([key, value], () => {
console.log(key, value)


Working example

var obj = {"return":"Success",

"Items": [

{"Name":"centracore", "Type":"rollover" , "Os":"Windows", "Level":"1", "Language_Used":"Assembly", "Size":"4mb"},

{"Name":"centracore", "Type":"Atype" , "Os":"Linux" , "Level":"3", "Language_Used":"C++" , "Size":"4mb"},

{"Name":"centracore", "Type":"random" , "Os":"OSX" , "Level":"2", "Language_Used":"C" , "Size":"4mb"}

]}, index) => {
console.log( item);
Object.entries(item).forEach(([key, value]) => {
console.log(key, value)



How to parse JSON Array of objects in python

Take a look at the json module. More specifically the 'Decoding JSON:' section.

import json
import requests

response = requests.get() # api call

users = json.loads(response.text)
for user in users:

Java Parse Json Array in another Json Array json.simple

This is far more easier if you use a library like GSON. However, if you wish to continue as it is, following code would extract the content within param3. This is not a recommended way as the code would have to change if the attributes within the node gets changed.

Therefore, please try to use a JSON Parser next time

                        case "param3":
JSONArray jsonArray = ( JSONArray ) pair.getValue();
for( Object object : jsonArray )
JSONObject jsonObject = ( JSONObject ) object;
jsonObject.keySet().forEach( o ->
if( "param3_1".equalsIgnoreCase( o.toString() ) )
// extract your value here
long next = ( long ) jsonObject.get( o );
System.out.println( next );
else if( "param3_2".equalsIgnoreCase( o.toString() ) )
// extract your value here
String next = String.valueOf( jsonObject.get( o ) );
System.out.println( next );
} );

Follow up this link if you wish to add GSON to this. This is a pretty easy and straight forward tutorial

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