How to Show Jrbeancollectiondatasource Data with Help of Table Component

How to show JRBeanCollectionDataSource data with help of Table component?

1.Send your datasource from the server as a parameter, and fill the report with a different one (can be empty).

JRBeanCollectionDataSource beanColDataSource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(dataList);
Map parameters = new HashMap();
parameters.put("INFO", "Hello");
parameters.put("DS1", beanColDataSource);

JasperReport report = (JasperReport) JRLoader.loadObject("src/test/ireport/ShowPerson.jasper");
JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, parameters, new JREmptyDataSource());

2.Decalre a new parameter in the report of type JRBeanCollectionDataSource

<parameter name="DS1" class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRBeanCollectionDataSource"/>

3.Set TableDatasource to use the $P{DS1} parameter.

<jr:table ...>
<datasetRun subDataset="Table Dataset 1">
<datasetParameter name="REPORT_DATA_SOURCE">

4.Declare the fields (name, age) in Table Dataset 1.

5.In the table, in the DetailBand add a TextField in each column with the corresponding field ($F{name} and $F{age} respectively).

JRBeanCollectionDataSource: How to show data from the java.util.List from JavaBean?

Here is the working sample.

The key points of this sample:

  • using of the _THIS expression;
  • using List (jr:list) component in Detail band

The snippet of code for generating report:

public static void testBuildPdf() {
try {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(reportSource);
JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, params, getDataSource());

JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint, outputFileName);
} catch (Exception e) {

private static JRDataSource getDataSource() {
Collection<BeanWithList> coll = new ArrayList<BeanWithList>();
coll.add(new BeanWithList(Arrays.asList("London", "Paris"), 1));
coll.add(new BeanWithList(Arrays.asList("London", "Madrid", "Moscow"), 2));
coll.add(new BeanWithList(Arrays.asList("Rome"), 3));

return new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(coll);

The JavaBean code:

public class BeanWithList {

// The member's name can be any. The JR engine is using public getter for extracting field's value
private List<String> cities;
private Integer id;

public BeanWithList(List<String> cities, Integer id) {
this.cities = cities; = id;

// getter should be public
public List<String> getCities() {
return this.cities;

public Integer getId() {

The jrxml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jasperReport ...>
<subDataset name="dataset1">
<field name="city" class="java.lang.String">
<field name="id" class="java.lang.Integer"/>
<field name="cities" class="java.util.Collection"/>
<band height="103" splitType="Stretch">
<reportElement x="138" y="28" width="258" height="20"/>
<textElement textAlignment="Center" verticalAlignment="Middle">
<font isBold="true" isItalic="true"/>
<text><![CDATA[Bean with List sample]]></text>
<band height="20">
<reportElement x="0" y="0" width="100" height="20"/>
<topPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<leftPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<bottomPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<rightPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<textElement textAlignment="Center" verticalAlignment="Middle">
<font isBold="true" isItalic="true" isUnderline="false"/>
<reportElement x="100" y="0" width="100" height="20"/>
<topPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<leftPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<bottomPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<rightPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<textElement textAlignment="Center" verticalAlignment="Middle">
<font isBold="true" isItalic="true" isUnderline="false"/>
<text><![CDATA[City name]]></text>
<band height="20" splitType="Stretch">
<reportElement stretchType="RelativeToTallestObject" x="0" y="0" width="100" height="20"/>
<box leftPadding="10">
<topPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<leftPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<bottomPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<rightPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<reportElement x="100" y="0" width="400" height="20"/>
<jr:list xmlns:jr="" xsi:schemaLocation="" printOrder="Vertical">
<datasetRun subDataset="dataset1">
<jr:listContents height="20" width="400">
<reportElement x="0" y="0" width="100" height="20"/>
<box leftPadding="10">
<topPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<leftPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<bottomPen lineWidth="1.0"/>
<rightPen lineWidth="1.0"/>

The result will be:

The resulting report in PDF format

Other related questions are the How do I print a list of strings contained within another list in iReport? question and Passing the List of primitive type objects as datasource for subreport question.

In iReport 5.6.0 : Why is the first record missing from my table element when i use JRBeanCollectionDataSource?

This usually happens when people use the same dataSource twice in their reports:

  • once for the main dataSet, when filling the report, and
  • once again for a subDataSet-based component or a subReport placed in the detail band

Your main dataSet has already consumed the 1st record when the table component reuses the same dataSource.

In your case, you could easily fix this by:

  • using the so-called empty dataSource when filling:

    jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(reportTemplate, parameters, new JREmptyDataSource());
  • or by using a clone when passing it as a parameter:

    parameters.put("transactionResponse", dataSource.cloneDataSource());

How to add collection of java bean in table in jaspersoft report

Your java bean needs to be something like this (correspond to your subDataset named javabean).

public class JavaBean {
private String name;
private int age;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public int getAge() {
return age;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;

Then you need a List<JavaBean> of the JavaBean's.

Lets imagine that you pass this List as a parameter during the fill process (in the parameter map with the key listOfJavaBeans).

in jrxml define the parameter

<parameter name="listOfJavaBeans" class="java.util.List"/> 

To pass it to your table as datasource use.

<datasetRun subDataset="javabean" uuid="31830583-c665-4c8d-af3a-1a5a0aba5306">

Table tool in showing one fewer/lesser database records

It is known feature (or bug?) of JR.

To solve this problem pass collection (not JRDataSource!) as parameter and use this collection in dataSource for table.

For example:

parameters.put("beanCollection", beanCollection);
JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport,
parameters, new JREmptyDataSource());

In jrxml define parameter "beanCollection" as java.util.Collection

and define DataSource expression for table in jrxml as


Table is not visible in Jasper Report Java bean

After following this post solved my problem. I forgot to pass datasource at jr:table component.

Correction made in jrxml:

<subDataset name="Dataset1">
<field name="part" class="java.lang.String">
<field name="length" class="java.lang.Double">
<field name="width" class="java.lang.Double">

Add data source expression in jr:table tag like this:

<datasetRun subDataset="Dataset1">

This worked for me.

Using the Table feature in iReports and Jasper and java bean data sources

The package name you mentioned in the jrxml is wrong. It is

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