Spring Data: Override Save Method

Spring Data: Override save method

Didn't get this to work nicely so I put my required logic into a service class and left the repositories save method untouched.

Override spring data save method

As described in my comment overriding 'save' won't achieve your goal. JPA might throw exceptions all over your code. This is one of the problems of JPA.

I guess you could overwrite some central method of Spring to achieve your goal but that really isn't how Spring works.

In stead you basically register your exception handling so, it gets invoked by Spring as desired.

There is an article about this by Baeldung, which looks promising and is valued high by Google.

Spring boot overiding save Method in JpaRepository interface

First make an interface for your generic repo:

public interface GenericRepository<T extends BaseModel, Long> extends JpaRepository<T, Long> {}

Then create your implementation:

public class GenericRepositoryImpl<T extends BaseModel> extends SimpleJpaRepository<T, Long> implements GenericRepository<T, Long> {

public <S extends T> S save(S baseModel) {
long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (baseModel.createdTimeStamp == 0) {
baseModel.createdTimeStamp = timeStamp;
baseModel.updatedTimeStamp = timeStamp;
} else {
baseModel.updatedTimeStamp = timeStamp;
return baseModel;

Lastly, tell Spring to use this as the base class for your repositories. Somewhere in your configuration..

@EnableJpaRepositories(repositoryBaseClass = GenericRepositoryImpl.class)

Then you can use it like so:

public interface MyEntityRepository extends GenericRepository<MyEntity> {}

Some bean:

private MyEntityRepository myEntityRepository;

Override default save Entity on Spring Data Rest

Found a solution:

public class RestApiController implements ResourceProcessor<Resource<User>>{
private EntityLinks entityLinks;

public ResponseEntity<Resource<User>> saveUser(@Param("name") String name) {
// Testing
Resource<User> resource = new Resource<>(new User());
return new ResponseEntity<>(resource , HttpStatus.OK);

public Resource<User> process(Resource<User> resource) {
LinkBuilder lb = entityLinks.linkFor(User.class);
resource.add(new Link(lb.toString()));
return resource;

The CrudRepository save is still set as exported=false as in my question.

How can I implement a Save Or Update function using Spring Data Jpa?


Ok, thanks for the comments, I've decided to add a separate update method! I think this is looking better!

public void updateOrder(Order order) {
long id = orderRepository.findByOrderId(order.get().getId());

A good point was made about Spring Data JPA's save(..) method doing an upsert by default. But, unfortunately in the project I'm working on the primary keys are autogenerated. This means that whenever save(..) is executed on an existing record to update it, a new record is created instead! That's why I explicitly set the id here to avoid that happening!

I've also added and eclipse-link library @Index annotation to the orderId column (not primary key) in the entity class to speed up the update method's findByOrderId!

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