How to Send Image With Post Request

Sending a HTTP POST REQUEST with image and text

Reason for behavior you see is you are sending two different requests to the same route. 1st includes ALBUM and DESCRIPTION form field values, but not the files. Second (inside setTimeout) will contain just files and no other fields, so referencing them like req.body.ALBUM will return undefined

You can send all data (text fields and files) in one request. Just do this:

const formData = new FormData();
for (let file of Array.from(this.myAlbumImages)) {
formData.append("files", file);
formData.append("ALBUM", this.albumName);
formData.append("DESCRIPTION", this.albumDesc);"http://localhost:9001/image/album", formData)
.then(resp => console.log(resp))
.catch(err => console.log(err));

FormData always uses content type multipart/form-data. To parse it on server side you need Express middleware that parses multipart forms, and gives you access to both fields and image/s. For example multer...

Send picture to server api with post request [FLUTTER]

Use multipart

Upload(File img) async {    

var uri = Uri.parse(uploadURL);

var request = new http.MultipartRequest("POST", uri);
request.files.add( new http.MultipartFile.fromBytes("file", img.readAsBytesSync(), filename: "Photo.jpg", contentType: new MediaType("image", "jpg")));

var response = await request.send();
print(response.statusCode); {

how to send image to server with in javascript and store base64 in mongodb

There are a number of ways that you can send your image data in the request to the server, but all of them will involve calling the send method of your XMLHttpRequest object with the data you wish to send as its argument.

The send method both dispatches the request to the remote server, and sets its argument as the body of that request. Since you're expecting Base64 encoded image data on your server, you'll first need to convert your image file to Base64 data on the client.

The simplest way to convert an image to Base64 on the client is by loading the image as an image element, drawing it to a canvas element, and then getting the Base64 representation of the canvas's image data.

That might look something like the following (given that the URL for the original image is stored in a variable named imgsrc, and the desired name is stored in name as stated):

// This function accepts three arguments, the URL of the image to be 
// converted, the mime type of the Base64 image to be output, and a
// callback function that will be called with the data URL as its argument
// once processing is complete

var convertToBase64 = function(url, imagetype, callback){

var img = document.createElement('IMG'),
canvas = document.createElement('CANVAS'),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
data = '';

// Set the crossOrigin property of the image element to 'Anonymous',
// allowing us to load images from other domains so long as that domain
// has cross-origin headers properly set

img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'

// Because image loading is asynchronous, we define an event listening function that will be called when the image has been loaded
img.onLoad = function(){
// When the image is loaded, this function is called with the image object as its context or 'this' value
canvas.height = this.height;
canvas.width = this.width;
ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
data = canvas.toDataURL(imagetype);

// We set the source of the image tag to start loading its data. We define
// the event listener first, so that if the image has already been loaded
// on the page or is cached the event listener will still fire

img.src = url;

// Here we define the function that will send the request to the server.
// It will accept the image name, and the base64 data as arguments

var sendBase64ToServer = function(name, base64){
var httpPost = new XMLHttpRequest(),
path = "" + name,
data = JSON.stringify({image: base64});
httpPost.onreadystatechange = function(err) {
if (httpPost.readyState == 4 && httpPost.status == 200){
} else {
// Set the content type of the request to json since that's what's being sent
httpPost.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');"POST", path, true);

// This wrapper function will accept the name of the image, the url, and the
// image type and perform the request

var uploadImage = function(src, name, type){
convertToBase64(src, type, function(data){
sendBase64ToServer(name, data);

// Call the function with the provided values. The mime type could also be png
// or webp

uploadImage(imgsrc, name, 'image/jpeg')

When the request is received by your server, the request body will contain the JSON string with your Base64 image within it. Since you haven't provided the server framework or database driver you're using for Mongo, I've adapted your code assuming that you're using Express and Mongoose with an ImageType model already defined in your application.

Since you can always construct the file name of the image record from its _id property and your image folder path, it doesn't necessarily make sense to save that as a property on the record, but I've preserved that functionality here, which will require you to save your record twice in one request cycle.

I've also changed the way any errors from the filesystem call are handled. The 'err' you get back from a filesystem error is already an Error object, and will need to be handled by your server in some way.

function postNewImageType(req, res, next){
var json = JSON.parse(req.body),
newImageTypeData = {
image: "placeholder.png"
imageBuffer = decodeBase64Image(data),
newImageType = new ImageType(newImageTypeData);

//First we save the image to Mongo to get an id{
if(err) return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError(JSON.stringify(err.errors)));
var fileName = cfg.imageFolder + newImageType._id + '.jpeg';

fs.writeFile(fileName,, function(err){
//Handle error in next middleware function somehow
if (err) return next(err);
newImageType.set({image: 'filename.png'});{
if (err) return next(new restify.InvalidArgumentError(JSON.stringify(err.errors)));
res.send(201, imagetype);

How to pass image file to the body of Http request (POST) in Flutter?

You should use MultiPart post method. Take a look at this.

How to send image file with POST request in Flutter

You can use MultipartFile from the http library

var request = http.MultipartRequest('POST', Uri.parse('YourUrl'));
filename: 'YourFilename'
var res = await request.send();

Sending images by POST using python requests

You can try the following code. Don't set content-type in the headers.Let Pyrequests do that for you

files = {'file': (os.path.basename(filename), open(filename, 'rb'), 'application/octet-stream')}
upload_files_url = "url"
headers = {'Authorization': access_token, 'JWTAUTH': jwt}
r2 =, files=files, headers=headers)

Upload Image using POST form data in Python-requests

From wechat api doc:

curl -F media=@test.jpg ""

Translate the command above to python:

import requests
url = ''
files = {'media': open('test.jpg', 'rb')}, files=files)


"Post Image data using POSTMAN"

That's not how you send file on postman. What you did is sending a string which is the path of your image, nothing more.

What you should do is;

  1. After setting request method to POST, click to the 'body' tab.
  2. Select form-data. At first line, you'll see text boxes named key and value. Write 'image' to the key. You'll see value type which is set to 'text' as default. Make it File and upload your file.
  3. Then select 'raw' and paste your json file. Also just next to the binary choice, You'll see 'Text' is clicked. Make it JSON.

form-data section

raw section

You're ready to go.

In your Django view,

from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.parsers import MultiPartParser
from rest_framework.decorators import parser_classes

@parser_classes((MultiPartParser, ))
class UploadFileAndJson(APIView):

def post(self, request, format=None):
thumbnail = request.FILES["file"]
info = json.loads(['info'])
return HttpResponse()

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